3356-7-33. Fringe benefits to part-time faculty  

Latest version.
  • (A) Policy statement. The university is committed to employment practices that promote the health and welfare of its employees. Through its various fringe benefits packages, it offers employees incentives to pursue additional education, to take advantage of events, activities and performances offered, and to otherwise enhance each employee's standard of living.

    (B) The university may provide these and other fringe benefits for part-time faculty:

    (1) Sick leave. Per section 124.38 of the Revised Code and rules 123:1-32-03, -04, and -05 of the Administrative Code, part-time faculty members earn sick leave at the rate of 4.6 hours for each eighty hours of service (equates to .0575 hours per workload hour per week).

    (2) Fee remission. Part-time faculty who teach two or more workload hours in a given semester at the university receive remission of one-half of the instructional fee for up to three credit hours per term, regardless of the number of hours taught. The maximum benefit per academic year cannot exceed nine credit hours. Credit hours may be accrued and used during the fall and spring semesters of an academic year and the summer term that follows spring semester. The office of financial aid and scholarships administers this program.

    (3) Parking. Part-time faculty will be given a parking permit that entitles them to use university parking facilities for any term they teach. Permits may be obtained from the office of parking services.

    (4) Retirement. Part-time faculty are enrolled in the state teachers retirement system ("STRS"). Participation involves contributions from the individual and the university based upon annual gross salary. The part-time faculty member's service during any academic year is reported to STRS on a prorated basis in which forty workload hours are the equivalent of one year of service.

    (5) Discounts. Part-time faculty receive a discount of twenty per cent on all purchases of five dollars or more at the university bookstore with the presentation of a valid identification card. They also receive discounts on tickets to intercollegiate athletic events and the university theater.

    (6) Facility use. Part-time faculty are entitled to use Maag library and the recreational facilities in Beeghly center and Stambaugh stadium. A valid identification card is required.

    (7) Further information about part-time faculty can be found in the current edition of the "Part-Time Faculty Manual " (https://cms.ysu.edu/administrative-offices/human-resources/current-part-time-faculty).

Effective: 12/31/2018
Promulgated Under: 111.15
Statutory Authority: 3356
Rule Amplifies: 3356
Prior Effective Dates: 06/16/2003, 05/27/2011, 02/04/2013