Ohio Administrative Code (Last Updated: January 12, 2021) |
3356 Youngstown State University |
Chapter3356-7. University Employess and Benefits |
3356-7-36. Hiring and selection process, contracts and compensation for intercollegiate athletic coaches [RESCINDED]
(A) Policy statement. The university seeks to attract and retain highly qualified intercollegiate athletic coaches. During the hiring process, the university is committed to the principle of gender equity, equal opportunity and diversity in filling each coaching vacancy. The university also affirms the principle of merit-based salary adjustments that are directly associated with positive competitive results as evidenced by the performance evaluation. Additionally, periodic market surveys will be conducted for coaching positions to ensure that salaries remain competitive. Further, certain coaches as professional/administrative staff may be eligible for multiple year contracts of employment.
(B) Parameters.
(1) General:
(a) While intercollegiate athletics coaches in all sports are in the university's professional/administrative staff category, this policy is intended to establish unique hiring and selection processes and compensation programs.
(b) Contracts for coaches of fall term sports other than football will terminate on January thirty-first, contracts for football coaches will terminate on the last of February, contracts for coaches of winter sports (men's and women's basketball, swimming, and diving) will terminate on April Thirty and contracts for spring term sports (baseball, softball,track, tennis, and golf) will terminate on June Thirty .
(c) When it is in the best interest of the university, the president, upon the recommendation of the executive director of intercollegiate athletics, may present other appointment plans for specific coaches to the internal affairs committee of the board of trustees.
(2) Hiring and selection process:
(a) Advertising to fill athletic coaching positions of the university will be done in a manner that will provide an opportunity for a diverse pool of candidates to apply. Regardless, expediency in posting and hiring is a requisite in filling coaching positions due to the unique nature of the coaching profession.
(b) An individual will be selected from an applicant pool obtained as a result of a publicly posted position vacancy and a search process.
(c) External consultants may be utilized during the process of searching, screening, and interviewing coaching candidates. Search committees will also be utilized.
(d) Background checks will be conducted for the final preferred candidate as requested by the department of intercollegiate athletics.
(e) Contracts for intercollegiate athletics head coaches are negotiated at the time of the recruitment and selection process.
(3) Compensation:
(a) Head coaches. Individual salary adjustments may exceed any board-established cost of living adjustment ("COLA"). Unsuccessful competitive performance will affect salary adjustments that may result in an amount less than any board-established COLA or no salary increase for the future contract term. Any such salary adjustments will occur at the beginning of a new contract term. A pool of funds will be created utilizing the aggregate amount of any COLA increases that are to be allocated (including associated fringe amounts) for future distribution for competitively successful outcomes. A recommendation may be made periodically by the executive director of intercollegiate athletics to the president.
(b) Assistant coaches. For sports that utilize assistant coaches, the head coach, in consultation with the executive director intercollegiate athletics, will have authority to allocate the pool of money budgeted for all assistant coaches in that sport at his/her discretion within the limitations of the pool. In years in which the amount of awarded merit increases is less than the amount allocated by the university, the balance (including associated fringe amounts) will be placed into the appropriate salary reserve account for future merit increases or distribution during the search process for a new coaching staff In years which the amount of the merit increases is greater than the pool, the funds will come from the salary reserve account. Board-approved "Gender Equity Plan" or current operating budget line items will serve as additional resources for merit increases. The allocation may occur at the beginning of the contract period of July first annually. A recommendation will be made annually by the executive director of intercollegiate athletics to the president.
(C) Procedures.
(1) General:
(a) The term of the initial contract offered to a coach will be determined during the recruitment and selection process by the executive director of intercollegiate athletics in consultation with the president.
(b) All head coaches are evaluated annually by the executive director of intercollegiate athletics, or designee, and contracts may be renewed through negotiation.
(c) The term of a contract can be modified through the use of the regular appointment process.
(d) All head coaches annually evaluate their assistants and submit their recommendations to the executive director of intercollegiate athletics.
(2) Hiring and selection. The procedures that follow provide an overall structure for coaching position selections. It is recognized that these procedures may need to be adjusted to accommodate a particular situation.
(a) The executive director of intercollegiate athletics, or his/her designee, in consultation with the hiring manager will, at a minimum, select at least a three-member search committee to screen qualified candidates.
(b) Postings will appear, at a minimum, on the Youngstown state university ("YSU") athletics department website. The posting will be open to receive applications for a minimum of seven calendar days and applicants will apply by utilizing the "PeopleAdmin" online employment application.
(c) A list of candidates who have self-identified will be requested from the office of equal opportunity and diversity. Candidates to be interviewed must possess the minimum qualifications for the position. It is anticipated that the successful candidate will have qualifications in excess of the minimum. Justifications for not interviewing an applicant will include written rationale regarding any determination concerning the differences in qualifications for the candidates selected for interviews. Such assessments will be fair and will include consideration of the national collegiate athletic association ("NCAA") expectations related to both YSU's "Gender Equity" and "Minority Opportunity" plans.
(d) Upon approval from the office of equal opportunity and diversity, the search committee will conduct reference checks and participate in the interview process. The hiring manager of the open position, in consultation with the executive director of intercollegiate athletics, will ultimately identify the candidate to be extended a preliminary offer, understanding that the office of human resources will make the official offer upon receipt of a positive background check.
(e) The office of human resources shall submit background checks when requested by the department of intercollegiate athletics for the final preferred candidate. Employment offers may be made contingent upon an acceptable background report to ensure that the hiring process is expedited.
(f) Exceptions to the above selection process may be granted in special circumstances where departure offers demonstrable benefits to the university. A request for such an exception must be submitted in writing to the chief human resources officer and the office of equal opportunity and diversity for review and consideration. A request initiated by the department of intercollegiate athletics, together with the office of human resources and the office equal opportunity and diversity, will be submitted to the president for final approval.
(g) The chief human resources officer will submit a summary of all filled coaches positions to the board of trustees at the next regularly scheduled meeting for approval. Offers of employment for coaches shall be contingent upon board of trustees' approval; however, coaches may begin employment prior to board of trustees' approval.
(3) Compensation:
(a) Head coaches. The performance evaluation process will be conducted at the end of each season by the executive director of intercollegiate athletics for each head coach. Determinations regarding merit increases, if any, will be based upon the outcome of the performance evaluation. Predetermined competitive benchmarks will allow head coaches with competitively successful seasons to earn a salary increase in a subsequent contract.
(b) Assistant coaches. The performance evaluation process will be conducted at the end of each season by the head coach for each assistant coach. Determinations regarding merit increases, if any, will be based upon the outcome of the performance evaluation.
Replaces: 3356:1-17-37
Promulgated Under:
Authority: 3356
Rule Amplifies: 3356
Prior Effective
Dates: 06/16/2003, 11/15/2003, 05/27/2011,