3356-7-40. Compensation and salary studies/plans [RESCINDED]  

Latest version.
  • (A) Policy statement. The board of trustees recognizes the need to have appropriate compensation plans for all employees and employee groups and has authorized the president or his/her designee to develop such plans.

    (B) Definition. "Employee groups" include faculty, professional/ administrative staff, and classified civil service staff.

    (C) Parameters.

    (1) Compensation and salary studies will be based upon comparable markets and employee groups as determined by the university.

    (2) Compensation and salary plans will attempt to provide wage parity for positions with comparable skills, duties, and responsibilities.

    (3) Compensation and salary made available to employees will be consistent with the fiscal ability of the university to support such plans.

    (D) Procedures. The president will periodically designate the individual(s) responsible for reviewing compensation and salary of employee groups.

Replaces: 3356:1-17-41

Effective: 7/5/2019
Promulgated Under: 111.15
Statutory Authority: 3356
Rule Amplifies: 3356
Prior Effective Dates: 01/31/2000, 06/16/2003, 08/21/2010