3356-7-42. Selection, appointment, and evaluation of professional/ administrative staff  

Latest version.
  • (A) Policy statement. While the president has overall responsibility for the management of the university, the responsibility for decisions about the employment of personnel is delegated to the appropriate division officer who is responsible for making personnel decisions within the described university procedures. The university employs staff members with experience, degrees, and other credentials appropriate to their responsibilities. Hiring managers are charged with the responsibility of assuring that qualified individuals are appointed as professional/ administrative staff members. Personnel actions will become effective upon approval by the board of trustees.

    (B) Purpose. These procedures are designed to assure that qualified individuals with experience, degrees, and other credentials appropriate to their reponsibilities are appointed as professional/administrative staff members.

    (C) Scope. This policy applies to professional/administrative staff (including part-time and externally funded) that perform nonteaching duties of a professional, administrative, or research nature and are not in the classified civil service or in a bargaining unit.

    (D) Procedures for the selection of professional/administrative staff. The procedures that follow provide an overall structure for the selection of professional/administrative staff. When a professional/administrative vacancy occurs, the hiring manager will follow the prescribed electronic process to seek approval to post the position and follow the standard search procedures, as established by the office of human resources. It is recognized that these procedures may need to be adjusted to accommodate a particular situation.

    (1) When a vacancy occurs, the appropriate supervisor will review the need for the position and forward a recommendation to the dean or executive director. After review, the dean or executive director will submit a recommendation to fill, modify, or eliminate the position to the appropriate divisional executive officer.

    (2) The appropriate divisional executive officer will review the recommendation and determine whether further consideration is appropriate. If appropriate, the recommendation is forwarded to the president for his/her approval.

    (3) Filling of authorized positions must utilize recruitment activities that conform to the equal opportunity and affirmative action procedures (see rule 3356-2-02 of the Administrative Code, "Equal opportunity and affirmative action recruitment and employment") unless a search waiver is granted.

    (4) Professional/administrative staff members are employed in fulltime or part-time status. Part-time professional/administrative staff are employed on a full-time equivalent ("FTE") basis, assuming a forty-hour workweek. Eligibility for university benefits is determined by the individual's FTE status.

    (5) The appropriate division officer will review the proposed offer of employment with the office of human resources prior to the offer to the successful candidate.

    (6) The offer of employment may only be extended by the office of human resources in collaboration with the appropriate divisional executive officer upon the recommendation of the dean or executive director and the person responsible for the employing unit.

    (7) The office of human resources will extend an offer of employment. The offer will be in the form of either an appointment or an employment contract.

    (a) Appointments will include a sixty-day notice of termination clause. Appointments are contingent upon board approval; however, employees may begin employment prior to board approval.

    (b) When it is in the best interest of the university, the president may issue an employment contract for multiple years. Employment contracts must be approved by the board of trustees in advance of the employment start date.

    (8) The chief human resources officer will prepare and submit a summary of all personnel actions (i.e., appointments, promotions, reclassifications, transfers, demotions, salary adjustments, and separations) to the university affairs committee forrecommendation for approval by the board of trustees. The personnel actions shall be contingent upon approval by the board .

    (9) Terms and conditions of employment for professional/ administrative staff are determined by the board of trustees as set forth in the university policy.

    (E) Search waiver. A waiver of the search process may be requested in accordance with rule 3356-2-04 of the Administrative Code, "Search waivers for strategic hiring of faculty and professional/administrative staff."

    (F) Procedures for evaluation.

    (1) The evaluation process is conducted on an annual basis.

    (2) Throughout the course of the year, one-on-one sessions will be initiated by either party to discuss performance thus far.

    (3) Managers will utilize the prescribed electronic process to evaluate their direct reports.

Effective: 4/4/2019
Promulgated Under: 111.15
Statutory Authority: 3356
Rule Amplifies: 3356
Prior Effective Dates: 06/16/2003, 08/21/2010, 03/10/2014, 08/31/2015