3356-7-46. Supplemental pay for faculty and professional/administrative staff  

Latest version.
  • (A) Policy statement. On occasion, it is necessary and appropriate to have employees perform services not included in the employee's assigned duties and responsibilities and to pay employees for these additional services. This policy does not apply to supplemental payment compensation for externally funded grants, sponsored programs and contracts (see university policy 3356-7-48).

    (B) Definition. For the purpose of supplemental pay, an "employee" is defined as any faculty or professional/administrative staff.

    (C) Parameters.

    (1) Supplemental pay assignments are intended to enable the university to generally deal with short-term staffing needs involving unusual circumstances or unanticipated situations, or assignments of additional duties beyond the scope of the assigned duties. Such assignments will generally not be approved as a routine matter or on a continuing or recurring basis and may not exceed six months for professional/administrative staff or one academic year for faculty. In special circumstances, with the approval of the president, these time limitations may be extended.

    (2) Supplemental payments to an employee during any fiscal year may not exceed the lesser of either twenty per cent as calculated on the affected employee's full-time salary basis or ten thousand dollars. University policy 3356-7-48, "Supplemental pay from externally funded grants, sponsored programs and contracts for faculty and professional/administrative staff," governs supplemental pay in those situations.

    (3) To allow for accurate and transparent financial analysis and reporting and for audit purposes, supplemental payments should be made from the appropriate account code in the university's financial system. Such payments shall be made to the employee on a semimonthly basis.

    Supplemental pay assignments must be approved in advance by the employee or the faculty member's manager in any situation in which the assignment is for work for another university department.

    (D) Procedures.

    (1) A department/unit supervisor with the approval of the division executive officer may authorize assignments of additional duties for supplemental pay when short-term staffing problems cannot be met through normal staffing practices.

    (2) Requests for supplemental payments should be approved prior to any work being assigned or undertaken. Exceptions may be granted for emergency situations documented by the department supervisor and affirmed by the division executive officer.

    (3) Funds necessary to cover the cost of supplemental payments will be provided from the department's supplemental pay account.

    (4) Bargaining unit members should refer to their collective bargaining agreements for additional supplemental pay procedures and requirements.

    (5) The office of human resources will develop necessary administrative procedures, including a "Supplemental Pay" form and guidelines for supplemental pay in order to process and manage supplemental payments.

Replaces: 3356-7-46

Effective: 1/17/2016
Promulgated Under: 111.15
Statutory Authority: 3356
Rule Amplifies: 3356
Prior Effective Dates: Prior to 11/4/77, 2/27/85, 1/31/00, 6/16/03, 2/1/04, 8/21/10