3356-7-47. Payment of employee serving as university consultant  

Latest version.
  • (A) Policy statement. On occasion, it is necessary and appropriate to have employees perform services above and beyond their normal scope of duties and to pay employees for these additional services.

    (B) Parameters.

    (1) Typically, consultants hired by the university are not full-time faculty or staff members, but on occasion, it may be appropriate to utilize an employee as a consultant.

    (2) Those employees serving as a consultant on a university grant or project will usually be compensated by an appropriate reduction of workload.

    (3) Occasionally, it is impossible for an employee to be released from assigned responsibilities. In these circumstances, overload payment for consultant work may be considered.

    (C) Procedures.

    (1) Prior to making any commitments, an employee wishing to serve as a university consultant must first discuss it with the appropriate supervisor.

    (2) If the employee and supervisor both support the request to serve as a university consultant, a request for approval is submitted in writing to the provost or appropriate vice president. Such a request will contain the following information:

    (a) Supporting credentials of the employee.

    (b) Detailed description of the services to be performed, including the amount of time required for the assignment.

    (c) The workload reduction needed or the overload payment to the employee with responsibilities that cannot be reduced and the method for determining the amount.

    (d) A letter of support from the employee's supervisor.

Replaces: 3356:1-17-48

Effective: 6/4/2012
Promulgated Under: 111.15
Statutory Authority: 3356
Rule Amplifies: 3356
Prior Effective Dates: 7/15/99, 6/16/03