Ohio Administrative Code (Last Updated: January 12, 2021) |
3356 Youngstown State University |
Chapter3356-8. Student Code of Conduct; Support and Assitance to Veterans |
3356-8-01. Student rights, responsibilities, and conduct ("The Code")
(A) Policy statement. The board of trustees delegates its authority and responsibility for student conduct to the president. Youngstown state university is committed to an educational environment which encourages the safety, fair treatment, and intellectual and social development of all students. On behalf of the president, the vice president for student affairs establishes and enforces regulations regarding student rights, responsibilities, and conduct.
(B) Parameters:
(1) "The Code: A Handbook of Student Rights, Responsibilities, and Conduct" is the official university document outlining student rights, responsibilities, and conduct; regulations regarding campus student organizations and student media organizations; due process, disciplinary, and academic grievance procedures; and procedures regarding student complaints of discrimination and sexual assault. The intent of the code is to inform the university community of these rights, responsibilities, and expectations.
(2) The vice president for student affairs is responsible for enforcing all procedures and regulations pertaining to student rights, responsibilities, and conduct as outlined in the code, with the exception of academic grievances. Academic grievance procedures are the responsibility of the office of the provost/vice president for academic affairs.
(C) Procedures.
(1) The code is distributed to new students during orientation and is available in the offices of the vice president for student affairs and the executive director of student life and on the Youngstown state university website athttp://www.ysu.edu/thecode.pdf.
(2) Individual students and student organizations are expected to be familiar with and follow the regulations outlined in the code and will be subject to disciplinary action if one or more of the regulations are violated.
(3) Complaints of student misconduct may be filed at the office of the executive director of student life. Complaints of academic dishonesty and academic grievances may be filed in the office of the provost/vice president for academic affairs.
(4) The code is reviewed periodically and distributed widely among the campus community at least every five years. Any member of the university community may recommend a change in the code through the vice president for student affairs.
Replaces: 3356:1-18-01
Promulgated Under:
Authority: 3356
Rule Amplifies: 3356
Prior Effective
Dates: 6/16/03, 8/23/10