3357:15-11-02. Officers  

Latest version.
  • The officers of the board of trustees shall consist of a chair, a vice-chair, and a secretary to the board.

    (A) Election of officers: Election of officers shall be held at the August meeting of the board of trustees or first meeting thereafter if there is no August meeting. All officers shall take office at the adjournment of the meeting at which they were elected and shall hold office for a term of one year and until their successors are elected and qualified. The chair and vice-chair are eligible for re-election to their respective offices for up to three consecutive terms. If a vacancy occurs for either the chair or vice-chair or either officer is unable or unwilling to serve a full term and such vacancy occurs more than sixty days prior to the August meeting, then the board shall hold a special election for such office, which may be held at the next regular or special meeting of the Board of trustees. The chair and Vice-chair must be members of the board of trustees The Secretary may be a member of the Board of trustees or the president or the president's designee. The secretary may serve unlimited terms.

    (B) Duties of the chair: The chair shall preside at all meetings of the board of trustees, appoint or provide for the election of individuals to serve in advisory capacities for special objectives of an ad-hoc basis, and perform such other duties as may be prescribed by law or action of the board of trustees.

    (C) Duties of the vice-chair: The vice-chair shall preside at meetings of the board of trustees in the absence of the chair and perform such other duties as may be assigned by the board.

    (D) Duties of the secretary: The secretary shall keep a correct journal of all proceedings, cause the agenda and other pertinent materials to be distributed to board members prior to regular meetings, and perform all other duties imposed by statute.

    (E) Presiding officer, chair, and vice-chair absent: In the absence of the chair and the vice-chair, the board shall by majority vote, choose a chair pro tem.

Replaces: 3357:15-11-02

Effective: 2/14/2015
Promulgated Under: 111.15
Statutory Authority: 3357
Rule Amplifies: 3357
Prior Effective Dates: 10/5/09