3357:15-14-01. Employee classification system  

Latest version.
  • The five occupational categories of Stark state college employees conform to the wage and hour provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act and the applicable provisions of the Ohio Revised Code. It may be possible for an employee to hold more than one position or appointment and thus be assigned to more than one occupational category.

    (A) Administrative and Professional. This category consists of two major divisions.

    (1) Administrative: those positions where the primary responsibilities include planning, organizing, controlling and supervising an instructional or operational area within the college.

    (2) Professional: those positions where the primary responsibilities require the performance of varied intellectual work and a functional knowledge of advanced theoretical principles and practices in a specific professional area other than instruction.

    (B) Instructional. This category comprises those positions where the primary responsibility is instructing students. This includes such activities as classroom and laboratory instruction, individual student performance and field-experience supervision, and student advising.

    (C) Technical/paraprofessional. This category includes those positions other than instruction, serving a support role where primary responsibilities include the solving of practical problems encountered in broad fields of specialization and require the use of theoretical or scientific knowledge and manual skills acquired through on-the-job or formal training.

    (D) Office and clerical. This category covers positions where the primary responsibilities require the preparing, transcribing, transferring, systematizing, or preserving of written communications and records, and the operating of various office machines.

    (E) Service and maintenance. This category covers service and maintenance positions which require specialized training in trades, crafts, and manual skills. This category also includes semi-skilled and unskilled positions which require the performance of physical effort and/or the manual skills normally learned through on-the-job or apprenticeship training.

Effective: 2/22/2015
Promulgated Under: 111.15
Statutory Authority: 3357:15
Rule Amplifies: 3357:15
Prior Effective Dates: 10/15/09