3357:3-2-01. Academic degrees and certificates  

Latest version.
  • The following rules of the college are established regarding the establishment, operation, alteration, and elimination of all college instructional programs:

    (A) To award degrees and certificates for appropriate programs of study;

    (B) To develop and implement standards and procedures for the effective operation of instructional programs;

    (C) To establish, alter, or abolish divisions or departments through which degree and certificate programs are administered; and

    (D) To create, modify, or eliminate programs of study based upon the needs of students and employers in the college's service area and upon the optimal use of college resources.

    The president is authorized by the board of trustees to establish policies to implement these rules, to maintain appropriate instructional programs, and to ensure the operation of an administrative apparatus to support such programs.

Effective: 9/11/2020
Promulgated Under: 111.15
Statutory Authority: 111.5
Rule Amplifies: 3357
Prior Effective Dates: 04/09/2010, 07/02/2015