3357:3-2-03. Student grades

Latest version.
  • The following rules of the college are established regarding the assignment, reporting, and posting of grades:

    (A) To set the faculty grade reporting guidelines, including those related to deadlines and processes;

    (B) To establish processes by which grades are changed and by which grades become a permanent part of a student's record; and

    (C) To maintain a grading system, including the calculation of grade point averages, that reflects a student's level of academic achievement and that determines adequate student progress and the awarding of student honors.

    The president is authorized by the board of trustees to establish policies to implement these rules in order to ensure the accurate and timely reporting and posting of grades that reflect student academic achievement and progress.

Effective: 4/1/2010
Promulgated Under: 111.15
Statutory Authority: 111.15
Rule Amplifies: 3357