3357:3-6-03. Discipline of students  

Latest version.
  • (A) The dean of students or designee is authorized to suspend or expel any student who is found to have violated any code, policy, procedure, rule or law in accordance with the code of student conduct.

    (B) Upon registration and enrollment, students become responsible for knowledge of and conformance to the code of student conduct; college policy and procedure; and Ohio law.

    (C) The administration of student discipline is flexible and is essentially consistent with the philosophy and objectives of the college. In all cases of student discipline, the rights of the student and of the college shall be protected.

Effective: 9/11/2020
Promulgated Under: 111.15
Statutory Authority: 111.15
Rule Amplifies: 3357
Prior Effective Dates: 03/16/1978, 06/02/2010, 07/02/2015