3358:17-22-01. Committees  

Latest version.
  • The use of a committee structure as a mechanism for college - wide discussion and input to decision making requires that the committee members be truly representative of the college community, and that those who serve do so in addition to their regular duties. Four types of committees may exist on campus: the executive committee, the president's cabinet, the standing committees as indicated in paragraph (C) of this rule, and any ad hoc committees as deemed necessary. The procedures and regulations as outlined herein do not require or prohibit the functioning of any student group, faculty group, or administrative group, nor do they require or prohibit the input of such groups through these procedures and regulations.

    (A) The executive committee.

    The college executive committee functions as the chief planning, decision -making, and executing body of the college. The committee consists of the president, vice president and treasurer, and the vice president for academic and student affairs and the vice president for administrative services. The assistant to the president serve s as an ex officio member. The executive committee meets upon the call of the president. At the request of the president, any employee of the college may be asked to participate in the functions of the executive committee.

    (B) The president's cabinet.

    The president's cabinet functions as the chief communications, policy consideration, and planning body of the college. As such, it provides a forum to discuss and resolve issues of concern to the entire college community. The president's cabinet shall consist of the members of the executive committee, the academic deans, chairperson of the professional staff senate, chairperson of the support staff senate, faculty senate president, institutional research specialist, director of m is, dean of information technology, director of library services, registrar, controller, director of opportunity programs, dean of student service s, director of public information, business and technology, director of physical plant, and director of outreach.

    (1) Cabinet meetings are open.

    (2) In the event of the absence of the president, the president's appointed representative shall act as chairperson.

    (3) The president's cabinet should meet at least quarterly at an agreed upon time. More frequent meetings may be called as required.

    (4) Any individual member of the college faculty or staff may present an item of business to the president's cabinet.

    (C) Standing committees.

    The board of trustees authorizes the president to develop a system of standing committees to assist in the communication and decision making processes of the college. The standing committees of the college shall serve as working bodies to recommend policies for consideration. Recommendations may be submitted by the committee chairperson to the executive committee for consideration. These committees may also serve in an advisory capacity to administrative offices to assist in making decisions in areas such as scholarship awards, admission criteria, and similar situations where it is desirable to have full- and part-time faculty, professional staff, hourly staff and student input.

    The current list of standing committees is contained in appendix G.

    (D) Standing committee procedures.

    (1) Members of a standing committee not designated by reason of a position will be appointed to the committee for a period of two years, with certain exceptions.

    (2) The chairman of a standing committee shall be appointed from among its membership for a period of one year, unless otherwise designated in the committee's procedures.

    (3) A quorum shall exist when a simple majority of the members of a standing committee are present.

    (4) All decisions and recommendations of the standing committee shall be by a simple majority vote of those present unless otherwise specified in the committee's procedures.

    (5) All minutes and recommendations of the standing committee shall be submitted in writing to the executive committee for their information. Committee recommendations may be submitted to related committees, appropriate administrators, or other appropriate groups for review or action. Recommendations which concern college policies and procedures should be submitted to the executive committee for consideration.

    (6) A standing committee may go into closed session if deemed necessary by its membership.

    (7) A standing committee may request the attendance of the president or any member of the faculty or staff at a given meeting.

    (8) As noted in paragraph (D)(4) of this rule, the standing committees may make recommendations concerning college policies and procedures to the executive committee. It will be the responsibility of the executive committee to decide on the issue.

    (E) Ad-hoc committees.

    (1) Ad-hoc committees may be established as the need arises. These committees will be of a temporary nature terminating at the completion of the assignment.

    (2) Membership and election procedure for ad-hoc committees will be considered in a democratic way.

    (3) A quorum shall exist when a simple majority of the members of the ad-hoc committee are present.

    (4) The chairman of an ad-hoc committee shall be appointed from among its membership.

    (5) All decisions and recommendations of the ad-hoc committee shall be by a simple majority vote of those present unless otherwise specified in the committee's procedures.

    (6) All minutes and recommendations of the ad-hoc committees shall be submitted in writing to the executive committee for their information and consideration. Committee recommendations may be submitted to related committees, appropriate administrators, or other appropriate groups for review or action. Recommendations which concern college policies and procedures should be submitted to the executive committee for consideration as provided in paragraph (D)(5) of this rule.

    (7) An ad-hoc committee may go into closed session if deemed necessary by its membership.

    (8) An ad-hoc committee may request the attendance of the president or any member of the faculty or staff at a given meeting.

    (9) Recommendations of ad hoc committees which concern college policies and procedures will follow the same procedure as outlined in paragraph (D)(5) of this rule.

Effective: 3/22/2015
Promulgated Under: 111.15
Statutory Authority: 3358.04
Rule Amplifies: 3358.04