3358:17-42-01. Student conduct policies  

Latest version.
  • (A) Conduct policy.

    Behavior contrary to civil law, and/or criminal law, and/or behavior that interferes with educational objectives and programs of Washington state community college is forbidden. Such behavior will result in disciplinary action including but not limited to disciplinary probation, suspension, dismissal, expulsion, with holding of transcripts or other appropriate action as determined by the administration.

    The decision as to whether a specific kind of behavior is a violation will rest with the administration. A complaint against student conduct should generally be reported to and reviewed by the appropriate academic or non - academic dean. The dean will determine if disciplinary action is appropriate and if the violation is sufficiently serious to require review by members of the executive committee. Disagreements with the dean's decision may be appealed to the judicial board.

    If the dean finds that expulsion from class or from the college may be warranted, he/she will refer the matter to a committee composed of three members of the executive committee appointed by the president (here after referred to as the committee). The committee will review and decide on violation of the conduct policy and appropriate disciplinary action if any. Disagreements with the committee's decision may be appealed to the judicial board.

    This rule includes the use of the grounds, buildings, equipment and facilities of Washington state community college and includes the conduct of the students, staff, faculty, and visitors to the campus. This regulation shall not include any restrictions on the freedom of speech, the right of persons on the campus to assemble peacefully, nor the right to appeal as described in the rules for "judicial appeals process" in paragraph (A)(1)(b) of rule 3358:17-42-02 of the Administrative Code.

    The following are specific but not exclusive examples of behavior prohibited by this rule :

    (1) Deliberate destruction of, damage to, malicious misuse of, or abuse of college property.

    (2) Assault or battery upon another person while on college owned or controlled property.

    (3) Theft of property of the college or any private individual which is physically located on college owned or controlled property.

    (4) Forgery or alteration of any college identification cards, parking permits, or records or information storage systems.

    (5) Plagiarism or any behavior involving dishonesty.

    (6) Manufacture, sale, possession, or use of alcoholic beverages or controlled substances.

    (7) Obstruction or disruption of teaching, research, administration, disciplinary procedures or other college activities.

    (8) Participation in or organization of any unauthorized demonstration or activity which interrupts the function of the college or interferes with the rights of other members of the college community.

    (9) Unauthorized entry into or use of college facilities, either building or grounds.

    (10) Prohibited articles on the campus: the possession by students of firearms, fireworks, explosives, and hunting weapons such as knives, bows, and arrows, and crossbows are strictly prohibited on college owned or controlled property for any reason. This prohibition is made for the safety of all individuals on the campus. Some exceptions to these prohibited articles may be approved by the board of trustees.

    (11) Deliberate disobedience of or resistance to identified college authorities acting in accordance with college policy.

    (12) Drunkenness or gambling on college owned or controlled property.

    (13) Falsification or deliberate misrepresentation of facts pertaining to admissions, financial aid, or other acts which result in personal or financial benefit.

    (14) Disorderly conduct on college owned or controlled property.

    (15) Unauthorized presence on campus after expulsion from the college.

    (16) Verbal or physical harassment of a student or students, or of an employee or employees.

    (17) Observed excessive speed or reckless operation of a motor vehicle on campus.

Effective: 3/21/2015
Promulgated Under: 111.15
Statutory Authority: 3358.04
Rule Amplifies: 3358.04