3358:17-42-04. Student e-mail policy

Latest version.
  • (A) Student e-mail policy.

    The college provides e-mail services to students as an educational experience and as a way to facilitate communications with other students and internal and external resource providers. As with any electronic communication services, there are policies that must be observed in order to clarify rights and responsibilities. Based on legal precedents, the college will observe the following policy statements concerning student use of e-mail.

    (1) E-mail is a tool provided by the college to enrich the students' educational experience and is a proprietary system of the college. As a result:

    Students have no personal privacy rights in regard to e-mail usage. All messages sent and received are subject to access by the college administration. A monitoring system is in place and is periodically checked to insure that the system is operating efficiently.

    (2) Students may not protect e-mail access with a password other than that capability provided through the college's e-mail software program. College personnel must have access to the system in order to manage it for the benefits of all users.

    (3) Harassment policies extend to e-mail. Sexual and other types of harassment expressly prohibited in other sections of this manual are also prohibited on the e-mail service.

    (4) Any and all policies covered in this manual are applicable when the communications mode is e-mail or any other electronic communications media.

Effective: 3/21/2015
Promulgated Under: 111.15
Statutory Authority: 3358.04
Rule Amplifies: 3358.04