3358:5-11-05. Records retention policy  

Latest version.
  • (A) Records are vitally important in the operation of any organization. They serve as the memory, are the evidence of past events, and are the basis for future actions. When created, maintained, and disposed of in an orderly and systematic manner, records can be an asset. When created, maintained, and disposed of in a haphazard and disorderly manner, they can reduce the effectiveness of the organization and increase costs substantially. The purpose of this policy is to provide the basic principles in which to accomplish a workable records retention program. (This policy was modeled after the (inter-university council of Ohio records retention schedule for public colleges and universities.)

    (B) The policy is specifically designed with the following objectives:

    (1) Save space. Office space can be better utilized by removing those records not required for daily operations, by removing from storage areas those records that no longer have significant value, and by maintaining a regular controlled flow of records from office to storage to destruction.

    (2) Save money. A records problem develops when more records come in than flow out. A cost savings can be realized with an effective records retention program by controlling and cutting the purchases of additional equipment and supplies used for filing unneeded records which accumulate. The program also provides the mechanism for storing less active records in a low cost storage area.

    (3) Save time. Uncontrolled records retention practices can create a time problem by letting records build up in both office and storage areas. It becomes more difficult to find material. Time can be saved in locating records by removing inactive material from office files, by instituting a system whereby each department knows what records it has and where they are kept, and by providing an orderly method of storing inactive records.

    (C) Basic steps

    (1) Inventory - to take stock of what records are on hand. Without this, there can be no realistic program.

    (2) Analysis - consider the administrative, fiscal, legal, and historical value of records and set the retention and disposition periods for groups of records.

    (3) Scheduling - a written plan for disposal of records when no longer needed, the transfer of semi active records to temporary storage, and the retention of records of a lasting value in the archives room.

    (D) Responsibility for the program

    The office of the vice president for business affairs shall be assigned the responsibility of developing, implementing, and maintaining an effective records retention program including retention schedules, location of records, and dates of disposition.

    It shall be the responsibility of each department to comply with the records retention program.

Effective: 10/23/2015
Promulgated Under: 111.15
Statutory Authority: 3358
Rule Amplifies: 3358
Prior Effective Dates: 7/16/92, 1/1/97, 2/25/08, 3/27/15