3358:5-11-12. Responsible use of technology policy  

Latest version.
  • (A) Clark state community college provides students, faculty and staff with access to technology resources as an integral part of the educational environment. This includes but is not limited to computers, telephones, pagers, printers, fax machines, PDAs, digital cameras, copiers, TV/VCRs, DVD/CD-rom, video and audio cassettes, scanners, as well as access to information via the Internet and the college network. These technologies are intended for instructional, research, and administrative activities of the institution and are designed to facilitate communication and learning.

    (B) Members of the Clark state community college, i.e., all college employees, students and board members, are expected to use technology in a manner consistent with state and federal laws, the mission of the college and other official college documents such as the policy and procedures of the college, the college catalog, and student handbook, etc.

    (C) Users of the college technology resources agree to:

    (1) Comply with all federal, state, other applicable laws, and college policies and procedures.

    (2) Use resources responsibly.

    (3) Protect the licensed software of the college and copyrighted material.

    (4) Protect the integrity of the physical and software facilities.

    (5) Respect the rights and privacy of other users.

    (6) Respect data belonging to others.

    (7) Use only those technology resources that they are authorized to use and only in a manner and to the extent authorized.

    (8) Protect the integrity of their own user accounts.

    (D) Illegal activities of any kind shall not be tolerated. Such activities include but are not limited to:

    (1) Revealing your account password to others or allowing use of your account by others. This includes family and other hoursehold members when work is being done at home.

    (2) Acquiring, uploading, downloading or possessing any material that is considered child pornography.

    (3) Using computing assets to actively engage in procuring or transmitting material that is in violation of sex ual harassment or hostile workplace laws.

    (4) Libel.

    (5) Any act that violates copyright laws. Personal software cannot be installed on Clark state community college computers. Clark state community college software cannot be installed on personal computers without approval from IT.

    (6) Unauthorized access to the network ("hacking").

    (7) Impersonating other individuals.

    (8) Creating, using or distributing virus programs or programs that attempt to scan or exploit network security and/or other vulnerabilities.

    (9) Security breaches or disruptions of network communications.

    (10) Providing information about, or lists of Clark state community college employees or students to parties outside of the college.

    (11) Sending unsolicited email messages including the sending of "junk mail" or other advertising material to individuals who did not specifically request such material.

    (12) Storage of personally identifiable information (PIH on a workstation, USB druve, CD/DVD, or media other than a network drive.

    (E) Failure to comply

    (1) Violation of any of the Clark state responsible use of technology policies and procedures may result in disciplinary action.

    (2) Violators of these regulations may be ejected from Clark State owned or controlled property and subject to criminal prosecution and/or college discipline.

Effective: 10/23/2015
Promulgated Under: 111.15
Statutory Authority: 3358
Rule Amplifies: 3358
Prior Effective Dates: 10/7/96, 7/1/98, 4/12/04, 7/17/09, 3/27/15