3358:5-11-16. Grant proposal development  

Latest version.
  • The purpose of the policy for grant proposal development is to ensure that any proposal created for the purpose of acquiring funding for a particular project at Clark state community college is highly organized, consistent, coherent, realistic, competitive, and, if funded, promotes the college's mission and services. The policy entails the following criteria that must be met before applying to the manger, resource development for production of a grant proposal or for assistance in its production:

    (A) The project to be funded is aligned with the college's mission and strategic priorities.

    (B) The project is aligned with the applicant's department's needs and priorities.

    (C) The project can be realistically implemented without overextending the human and financial resources either of the department or the college.

    (D) The request for proposal development is made well in advance of the deadline for the submission of a proposal.

    (E) The project leader is willing to spend the time required to be an active partner in the production of the proposal.

Effective: 10/23/2015
Promulgated Under: 111.15
Statutory Authority: 3358
Rule Amplifies: 3358
Prior Effective Dates: 3/19/99, 1/28/08, 3/18/15