3358:5-7-05. Graduation policy  

Latest version.
  • (A) Clark state community college awards the following degrees/certificates:

    (1) Associate of arts

    (2) Associate of science

    (3) Associate of applied business

    (4) Associate of applied science

    (5) Associate of technical studies

    (6) One-year certificates

    (B) To qualify for an associate degree or certificate, a student must pass all required courses for the particular major and must have a cumulative transcript grade point average of at least 2.0. Students in certain majors as specified by the appropriate academic division must have a "C" as a minimum grade specified courses.

    (C) All students are expected to complete the residency requirement of at least fifteen credit hours of course work at Clark state for an associate degree or twelve credit hours for a one-year certificate program. Credit equivalencies, as defined in the credit hour system procedures (rule 3358:5-7-03.1 of the Administrative Code), do not count toward the residency requirement. Credit equivalencies may not exceed one half of the required technical course credits for the degree or certificate program being pursued unless recommended by the faculty and approved by the academic division dean.

    (D) Credits earned through credit equivalencies for an individual student shall not exceed one-half the required technical course credits for the degree or certificate program being pursued unless recommended by the faculty and approved by the dean of the division.

    (E) Effective spring semester 2017, degree programs that contain one or more embedded certificates will automatically be awarded when the certificate requirements are completed unless the student contacts "Records and Registration" and indicates he/she does not wish to have the certificate credential awarded.

    (F) The transcripted graduation date shall be the last official day of the term during which a student completes the course of study.

    (G) The college will hold one commencement ceremony in May of each year.

    (H) The college reserves the right to modify its commencement and other requirements as needed.

Effective: 3/24/2017
Promulgated Under: 111.15
Statutory Authority: 3358
Rule Amplifies: 3358
Prior Effective Dates: 03/13/78, 7/1/98, 6/17/01, 6/8/06, 5/6/08, 8/20/12, 03/18/15, 10/23/15, 2/24/17