3358:5-9-09. Career services policy  

Latest version.
  • (A) The Clark state community college career center offers enrolled students, alumni and Clark state applicants access to information to help them explore careers, define career interests and pathways, and research majors.

    (B) The career center staff assists students and alumni with their job search including resume writing, interviewing and job search strategies. The job bank is a service for enrolled students and graduates of Clark state community college. The career center offers on-campus and area job fairs and recruiting events.

    (C) Disclaimer for students using the job bank - Due to the volume of job, co-op and internship postings received, the Clark state community college career center does not research the integrity of each organization or person that lists a vacancy through this website. Inclusion of an organization in the job bank should not be considered as an endorsement by the Clark state community college career center of the organization nor its products or services. It is the responsibility of the job seeker to verify information included in the job, co-op or internship postings and to evaluate the working conditions, wages, safety or other aspects of employment.

Effective: 3/18/2015
Promulgated Under: 111.15
Statutory Authority: 3358
Rule Amplifies: 3358
Prior Effective Dates: 3/13/78, 7/1/98, 12/15/05