3358:5-9-11. Student activity programs  

Latest version.
  • (A) A student activity program and proper accounting procedures are essential to the effective operation of the college.

    (B) The following policies shall be adopted for the administration of such funds.

    (1) Administration

    (a) These policies apply to all on-campus programs involving the receipt and disbursement of monies.

    (b) The dean of student support services is responsible for the general administration and management of all activities and funds for student activities.

    (2) Criteria for approval of activities

    (a) The activity contributes directly to the educational, civic, social, or ethical development of the student involved.

    (b) Student participation does not require special qualifications of race, creed, or national origin.

    (c) The activity does not involve excessive cost to the individual or the college, nor does it exploit the individual or college for commercial purposes.

    (d) The activity does not place excessive time demands on the staff or participants.

    (e) The activity is under college oversight with evidence of proper planning.

    (f) No activity shall be maintained without a responsible faculty advisor.

    (3) Fiscal management of funds

    (a) The dean of student support services is the authorized agent or co-agent in the letting of any contract for the supply of goods or services for the activity/program.

    (b) The custodian of individual accounts shall be required to maintain records as prescribed by the board-appointed treasurer.

    (c) Vendors shall be selected solely upon the basis of price, the quality of goods, and the amount of services rendered. Monetary contributions, gifts, or items of value are not to be required, offered, or received.

Effective: 10/23/2015
Promulgated Under: 111.15
Statutory Authority: 3358
Rule Amplifies: 3358
Prior Effective Dates: 1/28/78, 7/1/98, 7/6/2004, 3/27/15