Ohio Administrative Code (Last Updated: January 12, 2021) |
3359 University of Akron |
Chapter3359-11. Polilcies on Hiring Policies and Benefits |
3359-11-07. Sixty plus program
(A) The university of Akron sixty plus program has been designed to allow persons over sixty years of age to attend university courses on a non-credit (audit) basis without having to pay tuition, general service fees, or other fees not charged to all students taking the same class under conditions described below:
(1) To qualify for the sixty plus program, the prospective student must be sixty years of age or older and have resided in the state of Ohio for at least one year.
(2) Sixty plus students are permitted to enroll in a class on a space available basis. Sixty plus students will be allowed in classes only after degree seeking students have registered.
(3) Sixty plus students are listed as audit students. Audit students do not generate state subsidy, therefore, audit students should not be considered in making courses reach minimum size.
(4) Students sixty years or older who choose to take classes for credit must pay full tuition and fees.
(5) A sixty plus student must either satisfy prerequisite class requirements or obtain the instructor's permission.
(6) Sixty plus students' admittance into a course is subject to the instructor's approval.
(7) A sixty plus student may register for no more than three courses (eleven or fewer credits) per semester.
(8) Sixty plus students are responsible for payment of approved fees which are assessed to all students taking the same course. Tuition, general service fees, and any other fee not assessed to all students taking the same class will be waived. Sixty plus students are responsible for any other expenses such as parking permits or books.
(9) The sixty plus program is intended to comply with section 3345.27 of the Revised Code.
(B) Persons over the age of sixty may attend university of Akron courses and classes and receive credit for courses taken under the conditions set forth in paragraph (A) of this rule if that person's family income is less than two hundred per cent of the federal poverty guideline, as revised annually by the United States secretary of health and human services in accordance with section 673 of the "Community Services Block Grant Act," 95 stat. 511 (1981) 42 U.S.C.A. 9902, as amended, for a family size equal to the size of the family of the person whose income is being determined. However, a person receiving credit for attending courses or classes under this division will be charged a tuition or matriculation fee in an amount no greater than the amount of any part-time student instructional grant awarded to that person by the state university or college in its discretion. The following shall also apply:
(1) Eligible sixty plus participants may enroll for no more than three courses, (eleven or fewer credits) unless request to enroll in a greater number of credits is approved by the senior vice president and provost and chief operating officer.
(2) Participants in this program may be prohibited from enrolling in certain courses or classes for which special course or training prerequisites apply, in which physical demands upon students are inappropriate for imposition upon persons sixty years of age or older, or in which the number of participating regular students is insufficient to cover the university's or college's course-related expenses.
(3) Sixty plus participants are subject to the same disciplinary and/or governance rules affecting all students.
(4) This policy is subject to and is provided by Ohio law and the university of Akron board of trustees regulations, either or both of which may be amended from time-to-time.
Replaces: 3359-11-07
Promulgated Under:
Authority: 3359
Rule Amplifies: 3359; 3345
Effective Dates: 08/15/96, 07/07/99, 06/25/07,