3359-25-10. Position audits and reclassification  

Latest version.
  • (A) The university of Akron may initiate audits and reviews of positions and classifications.

    (B) An employee may request from the office of human resources a review for the purpose of determining whether a position is properly classified. An employee may request only one position audit per twelve month period, unless significant changes occur within the position.

    (C) When an audit or review is conducted, the following sources for that investigation include, but are not limited to, any employee, an employee's authorized representative, or college/department officer. When the office of human resources finds that the inequities or improper classifications of positions exist, appropriate remedial steps may be taken to provide a more equitable, just and proper classification. The affected employee(s) shall be given a written notice of the decision of the audit or review and:

    (1) Shall notify the office of human resources, in writing, of the employee's election with respect to rejecting a reclassification as a result of a job audit or review within ten days of receipt of the notice of the classification change. If such notification is not received by the office of human resources by the tenth day, the employee shall be deemed to have accepted the reclassification; or

    (2) May refuse the reclassified position, in which case the employee shall retain certification in that classification, and the office of human resources shall assign such employee to a position which has duties commensurate with the employee's classification. If the former position is no longer used by the university of Akron, such position shall be abolished.

    (D) If a position is reclassified outside the original classification series as a result of an audit or review, the incumbents probationary period is waived for the new classification.

    (E) Whenever a position reclassification determination is made, the position classification shall change in accordance with division (D) of section 124.14 of the Revised Code. The effective date of such change shall be the beginning of the next pay period following receipt of the completed request in the office of human resources.

Replaces: 3359-25-10

Effective: 1/31/2015
Promulgated Under: 111.15
Statutory Authority: 124.14 ; 3359.03
Rule Amplifies: 124.14 ; 3359.03
Prior Effective Dates: 03/10/00