3359-60-06. Graduate student classification  

Latest version.
  • Applicants for graduate admission will be classified in one of the following categories. Any change in admission status must be made by the graduate school.

    (A) "Full admission" may be given to any applicant who desires to pursue a graduate degree and has a baccalaureate degree from an accredited college or university with an overall grade-point average of 2.75 or better, or 3.00 for the last two years (sixty-four semester credits or equivalent), or holds an advanced degree from an accredited college or university in or appropriate to the intended field; or holds a baccalaureate or master's degree from a foreign college or university with first-class standing or its equivalent, plus satisfactory evidence of competence in English. Full admission may also be granted to applicants to the college of business administration who meet the college's admission requirements.

    (B) Provisional admission may be granted to a person who has not met all of the requirements for full admission. This admission status permits a student to take up to fifteen semester credits of graduate coursework. Graduate courses taken under this admission status may be applied to a graduate degree program, but only when all requirements for full admission have been met.

    (C) Deferred admission may be granted if the applicant's record does not meet provisional admission standards. After completion of a postbaccalaureate program of study with an appropriate GPA, as prescribed by the department (usually two to five courses), the student may be reconsidered for provisional admission to the graduate school. No graduate-level coursework can be taken by a student under the deferred admission status.

    (D) "Special workshop" status is for a person permitted to take workshops for graduate credit without being admitted to graduate school. Such permission is granted by the workshop director upon receipt of a signed statement of possession of a baccalaureate degree by the applicant, and terminates upon completion of this workshop. A student admitted to special workshop status must apply through regular channels for any other category. A maximum of six workshop credits may be applied to degree work at a later date if the applicant is given full admission to the graduate school.

    (E) "Transient" status may be given to a person who is a regularly enrolled graduate student in good standing in a degree program at another accredited university and has written permission to enroll at The University of Akron. Such permission is valid only for the courses and semester specified, with a maximum of ten semester credits allowable, and is subject to the approval of the instructor, department head and graduate school. A transient student is subject to the same rules and regulations as a regularly enrolled student of the university.

    (F) Undergraduate.

    (1) "Undergraduate" status is for an undergraduate student at the university who may be granted permission to take one or more graduate-level courses if all the following conditions are met:

    (a) Senior standing.

    (b) Overall grade-point average of 2.75 or better through preceding term (if a student does not have a 3.00 or better in the major field, special justification will be required).

    (c) Written approval is given by the instructor of the course and the studen''s adviser.

    (2) These courses may later be applied to a degree program if not used to satisfy baccalaureate degree requirements. The maximum number of graduate credits that may be taken by an undergraduate and applied later toward a graduate degree is twelve.

    (G) "Postdoctoral" status is divided into three categories:

    (1) A "fellow" is a person holding an earned doctorate who is engaged in advanced research. A fellow shall be considered a guest of the university and provided space and use of facilities within limits of practical need of the undergraduate and graduate programs. Tuition and fees shall be collected if allowed under sponsoring contract for any courses the fellow may choose to take.

    (2) A "special" is a person holding an earned doctorate who desires an additional graduate degree. A special may be admitted to any program upon submission of application forms, application fee (if new student) and an official transcript from the institution awarding the doctorate. This student will be treated as a regular student subject to registration fees and program degree requirements.

    (3) A "guest" is a person holding an earned doctorate who desires to attend courses and seminars relevant to individual work or interests without registering or receiving grades. A written application should be submitted to the dean of graduate studies and research for each course taken, and approval of the instructor, department head and college dean shall be obtained. A guest is welcome to any course or seminar provided space is available. Normally, space and facilities for research cannot be provided for a postdoctoral guest but special requests will be considered. Requests should be submitted, in writing, to the dean of graduate studies and research who will review such requests with the appropriate college dean and department head.

Replaces: 3359-60-06

Effective: 1/31/2015
Promulgated Under: 111.15
Statutory Authority: 3359
Rule Amplifies: 3359
Prior Effective Dates: Prior to 11/04/77, 08/30/79, 01/30/81, 12/31/86, 05/22/91