3361:10-5-10. Organization: vice president for research  

Latest version.
  • (A) The vice president for research shall, under the general supervision of the president, be responsible for all matters pertaining to internally and externally sponsored research, for management of the university's programs for compliance with federal, state, and local regulations regarding conduct of research, and for general supervision of research programs established at the university. The university research council and the fellows of the graduate school shall report to the vice president for research.

    (B) Responsibility for the human research protection programs is vested in the vice president for research. Such responsibility shall include:

    (a) Ensuring adequate resources for the human research protection program;

    (b) Ensuring independence of the university's institutional review boards and other institutional review board relied on by the university;

    (c) Periodic review of the human research program, to ensure compliance with all relevant legal and policy standards; and

    (d) Approval of all policies and procedures governing the conduct of human subjects research by or under the auspices of the university of Cincinnati or its faculty.

    (C) The president may assign additional responsibilities to the vice president for research.

Effective: 5/29/2019
Promulgated Under: 111.15
Statutory Authority: 3361
Rule Amplifies: 3361
Prior Effective Dates: 03/16/1978, 10/26/1978, 05/24/1980, 11/01/1984, 12/18/1985, 04/15/1991, 06/17/1998, 07/13/1999, 01/14/2005, 04/07/2008