3361:50-87-17. College of applied science: requirements for graduation  

Latest version.
  • (A) To qualify for the degree a student must fulfill the requirements of the program from which graduation is expected and must have at least a 2.0 cumulative quality point average. It is the student's responsibility to take the courses necessary for graduation. Transfer students must successfully complete a minimum of forty-five quarter credit hours at the college of applied science in order to receive the associate degree and a minimum of forty-five required upper division quarter credit hours to receive the bachelors degree. For a student whose registration is continuous, requirements for graduation are as stated in the "Bulletin" for the year the student first registered. When registration is not continuous, "Bulletin" requirements applying at the time of final continuous registration are applicable. Application for the diploma must be made in the college office before the designated deadline date of the year of graduation.

    (B) The minimum number of quarter credit hours in the humanities and social sciences shall be thirty-six for any baccalaureate degree. These thirty-six credits must include:

    (1) Freshman english (english composition I, II and III) - minimum nine credit hours.

    (2) Fundamentals of speech - minimum three credit hours.

    (3) Upper division courses (three hundred level and above) - minimum fifteen credit hours.

    (4) Additional requirements and/or electives - nine credit hours.

    (C) The minimum number of quarter credit hours in the humanities and social sciences shall be eighteen for any associate degree. These eighteen credits must include:

    (1) Freshman english (english composition I, II and III) - minimum nine credit hours.

    (2) Fundamentals of speech - minimum three credit hours.

    (3) Additional requirements and/or electives - minimum six credit hours.

    (D) Transfer students must apply to the humanities department for advanced standing on a course by course basis.

Replaces: 3361:50-87-17

Effective: 3/23/2000
Promulgated Under: 111.15
Statutory Authority: 3361
Rule Amplifies: 3361
Prior Effective Dates: 3/16/1978, 9/25/1980, 1/7/1983