3362-3-11. Alcohol general rules  

Latest version.
  • (A) Purpose

    Shawnee state university is committed to a healthy and safe environment for students, faculty and staff, and visitors in venues where the presence of alcohol does not interfere with the learning experience or the peaceful environment of the campus and community. T f this rule establishes parameters for the purchase, possession, distribution, and consumption of alcohol as described herein and in accordance with related procedures .

    (B) Student events (university-sponsored on and off campus)

    Student purchase, possession, distribution, and consumption of alcoholic beverages in university buildings, on campus grounds (owned or managed), in university provided vehicles, at university-sponsored on-campus events, or at university-sponsored off-campus events are prohibited without prior authorization.

    (C) On-campus events and conferences

    The prior-approved purchase and consumption of alcoholic beverages on university property for events and conferences must be in accordance with the exclusive food services agreement and any alcohol operating license held and maintained by the university and/or its food services vendor.

    (D) Insurance

    If the event in which alcohol is purchased and/or consumed and is sponsored by a non-university group or individual, proof of an appropriate level of liability insurance may be required. Decisions about insurance requirements will be made by the director of university and community events in collaboration with the university's risk manager.

    (E) Student housing

    (1) The sale of alcoholic beverages in residence halls (owned or managed by the university) is prohibited.

    (2) The possession and consumption of alcoholic beverages for legal-aged (age twenty-one or older) residents is permitted in residence halls contingent upon compliance with established residential hall rules, university policy and procedures, and subject to full compliance with state and local laws.

    (F) Personal conduct

    Patrons, including students, attending events in which alcoholic beverages are served will be held responsible for their personal conduct, as well as the conduct of guests. Conduct that is judged to be irresponsible or inconsiderate by university officials or department of public safety while possessing or consuming any alcoholic beverage may be treated as a violation of this rule.

    (G) General prohibition

    (1) The use or sale of alcohol by any person (students, employees and visitors) on campus property (managed or owned by the university) or at university-sponsored off campus activities is prohibited in instances that are inconsistent with state or local laws and restrictions and as established by this rule.

    (2) Violations of university policy or engagement of illegal actions will result in the involved individual(s) being subject to sanctions and/or enforcement results as referenced and incorporated by university policy and/or applicable laws.

    (H) Procedures

    The president will ensure the establishment of procedures necessary to effectively implement this rule.

Effective: 9/26/2019
Promulgated Under: 111.15
Statutory Authority: 3362.03
Rule Amplifies: 3362.02
Prior Effective Dates: 06/05/2001, 07/21/2014