3362-3-13. Assessment of student learning outcomes  

Latest version.
  • (A) Introduction

    Assessment of student learning outcomes is the systematic and ongoing method of gathering, analyzing and using information from various sources about an academic program to measure program outcomes in order to improve student learning.

    (B) Purpose of assessment of student learning outcomes

    (1) Multiple assessments are used to inform Shawnee state university faculty members and students of student progress in the program to support continuous improvement.

    (2) Assessments are linked to the program's mission and purpose.

    (3) Faculty develop and define the expected outcomes for the program, determine whether the assessments are valid measures of student learning outcomes, and whether the objectives are achieved.

    (4) Student performance on professional credentialing exams, when available, should be used as one measure of achievement.

    (5) Faculty and administrators regularly review the effectiveness of the assessment system, including student performance in courses, labs and clinical experiences, and alumni performance in the workforce.

    (6) Assessment results are available to stakeholders, including faculty members and students.

    (7) Multiple formative assessments (e.g., pre-collegiate; course examinations; lab, practicum and internship evaluations) are used at various points throughout the student's program.

    (8) Summative assessments (e.g., capstone projects, portfolios, comprehensive examinations) provide feedback to students and faculty.

    (9) Assessment as part of SSU accreditation: the higher learning commission (HLC), SSU's regional accrediting agency, has been using the accreditation process to introduce and promote a culture of learning outcomes, assessment, and institutional effectiveness within its member institutions. Higher learning commission (HLC) policy on criteria for accreditation standards defines in criterion four. Teaching and learning: evaluation and improvement: the institution demonstrates responsibility for the quality of its educational programs, learning environments, and support services, and it evaluates their effectiveness for student learning through processes designed to promote continuous improvement.

    (a) A core component of criterion four (crrt.b. 10.010 4b) states: the institution demonstrates a commitment to educational achievement and improvement through ongoing assessment of student learning.

    (b) These criteria are as follows:

    (i) The institution has clearly stated goals for student learning and effective processes for assessment of student learning and achievement of learning goals.

    (ii) The institution assesses achievement of the learning outcomes that it claims for its curricular and co-curricular programs.

    (iii) The institution uses the information gained from assessment to improve student learning.

    (iv) The institution's processes and methodologies to assess student learning reflect good practice, including the substantial participation of faculty and other instructional staff members.

    (C) Definitions

    (1) Academic program refers to any and all coherent instructional activities of Shawnee state university and includes degree and certificated programs, and other non-degree entities, such as honors, general education and developmental programs.

    (2) Degree program refers to any prescribed course of study which constitutes an area of specialization leading to a recognized degree.

    (3) Learning outcomes are the knowledge and skills expected of the program completers. These are not general but are to be specific, measurable, attainable, relevant and time-based.

    (4) Certification tests are important assessment measures of student knowledge relative to the expectations of a professional program.

    (5) Capstone courses offer evaluative assessment of the performance of students on a cumulative rubric to view the skills and knowledge learned during the program.

    (6) Course assessment is useful in assessment of program outcomes whenever embedded in course work. Course assessments can be collected and evaluated as a way of answering program level questions about student learning.

    (7) Portfolio assessment is useful for assessing courses where students need to produce a body of work.

    (8) Comprehensive exams and tests are effective in providing an analysis of student performance on the key areas of program outcomes.

    (9) Pre and post project assessment using the same rubric provide a measurement of gains by the students in the areas targeted in the course/program outcomes.

    (10) Final projects or papers can be designed to synthesize the expectations of the course/program outcomes.

    (D) Development and timeline of assessment

    (1) Every degree or certificate-granting program, honors, general education and developmental education programs will develop and implement an assessment plan with identified student learning outcomes, program goals and appropriate assessments.

    (2) Programs will provide assessment results for student learning outcomes to the university and academic department for continuous improvement purposes.

    (3) Data collected from the assessments are to be aggregated and trended over time to provide a graphic representation of programs' outcome achievements.

    (4) Timeline for campus-wide assessment: the provost's office will provide results of national standardized assessments to the campus as received from the assessment entity for continuous improvement purposes.

    (5) Assessment will occur at various stages in the student's progression through his/her selected program.

    (6) SSU's assessment practices are supported by the university and are within all courses regardless of campus, location, mode of instruction.

    (E) Retention of assessment results

    The provost and his/her designee will ensure the assessment results are collected and available for continuous improvement purposes for the institution. Each department or program (honors, general education, and developmental education programs) will house its assessment data and provide such assessment data to the office of the provost.

    (F) Procedures

    The president or his/her designee will ensure the establishment of procedures necessary to effectively implement this policy. These procedures will be revised and developed based upon the recommendations of the university faculty senate.

Replaces: 3362-3-13

Effective: 3/21/2016
Promulgated Under: 111.15
Statutory Authority: 3362.03
Rule Amplifies: 3362.03
Prior Effective Dates: 09/04/07