3364-20-09. Key control  

Latest version.
  • (A) Policy statement:

    To provide authorized key access to university of Toledo buildings and areas within university buildings.

    (B) Purpose

    To develop a procedure for requesting, authorizing, receiving, and returning university of Toledo keys.

    (C) Procedure

    Facilities and construction is authorized to issue university keys to faculty, staff, graduate assistants, students, and individuals with an authorized relationship (i.e. visiting scholars, American council on education ("ACE" fellows, etc.) and requiring key access to university facilities. Procedure details can be found under the link entitled "ADM-07 Key Control" standard operating procedure ("SOP") located at:https://www.utoledo.edu/facilities/sop-approved.html.

    (D) Regulations

    Facilities and construction maintains key control and shall be the sole source of approving, managing and disseminating keys for the university of Toledo. Persons to whom keys to university facilities are issued are prohibited from duplicating such keys from loaning such keys to any other person, or from transferring such keys to another person. All keys are to be returned to key control when no longer needed. The key control department is prohibited from issuing any key to any person except as provided herein. Persons violating the university key policy are subject to disciplinary sanctions.

    All purchases regarding locks, keys, and/or locking hardware must be approved by the office of facilities and construction. The office of facilities and construction will not compromise the security system by cross keying systems. Only qualified employees of the office of facilities and construction, or contracted resources authorized by the office of facilities and construction, are authorized to make keys, change or work on locks.

    The office of facilities and construction shall be the sole source for the making, duplicating, manufacturing or cutting of any key. For requesting a re-core or to report a problem with key, contact facilities operations, main campus 419-530-1000 or health science campus ("HSC") 419-383-5353.

Effective: 7/29/2019
Promulgated Under: 111.15
Statutory Authority: 3364
Rule Amplifies: 3364