3364-20-10. Digital display and signage installations  

Latest version.
  • (A) Policy statement

    In recognition of the historic nature and architecture of the buildings on campus, requests for permanent digital displays and permanent signage installations shall be considered for both proposed design and general appropriateness per the individual building and area setting.

    (B) Purpose of policy

    To define the process for review and approval of all proposed digital displays and signage installations in campus facilities.

    (C) Scope

    This policy applies to requests made by university departments.

    (D) Procedure

    All proposed requests for installation of permanent digital displays and permanent signage shall be processed through facilities and construction using the space change form. Procedure details can be found under the line entitled "digital display installation and approval" standard operating procedure ("SOP") located athttps://www.utoledo.edu/facilities/pdf/ADM-pdf/ADM-39%20Digital%20Display%20Approval.pdf

Effective: 4/16/2020
Promulgated Under: 111.15
Statutory Authority: 3364
Rule Amplifies: 3364