Ohio Administrative Code (Last Updated: January 12, 2021) |
3364 University of Toledo |
Chapter3364-25. Benefit Policies; Employment |
3364-25-55. Absenteeism/tardiness guidelines
(A) Policy statement
Every employee is a valued health science campus team member. As such, it is expected that employees maintain an acceptable attendance record which includes reporting to work on time.
(B) Purpose of policy
This policy describes timekeeping regulations and responsibilities for hourly-paid employees working on the health science campus ("HSC") who are not subject to a collective bargaining agreement. It establishes uniform guidelines for all units/departments/areas to further the control of absenteeism and reduce excessive operating expenses.
(C) Scope
This policy applies to hourly-paid employees working on HSC and not subject to a collective bargaining agreement.
(D) Definitions:
"Sick Day" is defined to be when an employee is not present for their assigned shift for a period of two hours or more. One point is assessed for such an occurrence that occurs Monday through Friday. Two points are assessed for such an occurrence that occurs on the weekend or holiday. Part time and full time employees are treated similarly.
"Early Out" is defined to be when an employee leaves their work assignment for a period of time of less than two hours. One-half point is assessed.
"Lateness/Tardiness" is defined to be when an employee is five minutes or more up to one hour and fifty-nine minutes late for work. It is encouraged that employees call their supervisor to advise them of their late arrival to work.
"Weekend shift" is defined to be 10:59 p.m. on Friday and ends 10:59 p.m. on Sunday of each week.
"Rolling twelve months period" is defined to be the beginning with the most recent occurrence of a sick day or its equivalent and counting twelve consecutive months backwards.
"Shift" is defined as a scheduled contiguous period of work time of four hours or more.
(E) Exclusions:
The university recognizes that there are circumstances/authorized leaves which are not within the scope of absenteeism control and therefore shall be excluded from consideration of this policy. The following circumstances are therefore excluded
(a) Approved Family Medical Leave Act leave of absence
(b) Approved non Family Medical Leave Act leaves of absence
(c) Injury/workers' compensation leave
(d) Administrative leave
(e) Military leave
(f) Personal day
(g) Approved vacation day(s)
(h) Approved compensatory time
(F) Procedure
Employees who are unable to report to work shall be responsible for directly notifying their immediate supervisor or their designee one hour prior to the beginning of their work shift. Employees are to follow the appropriate departmental procedures for absence notification. Failure to properly report off work or call off late will be addressed through the corrective action process. Correcti ve action will follow rule 3364-25-11 1 of the Administrative Code (corrective action (non-collective bargaining unit employees), or as may be amended.
Employees are responsible for following the record keeping procedures established by their department.
If management determines that an absence or absences are not valid or there appears to be a pattern of absences or circumstances which suggest abuse; the employee will be directed to provide medical certification justifying the use of sick leave. Failure to provide the certification will result in disciplinary action up to and including termination as determined by the appointing authority.
(G) Corrective action schedule
Sick day levels or equivalents
Action required
* Level One oral/written warning
* Level Two written warning
* Level Three written warning/pre-discharge
* Level 4 Termination
(H) Termination hearing
Any employee who has reached the termination level of corrective action shall be afforded a hearing before the associate vice president and chief human resources officer (or designee), The purpose of the hearing will be to determine if the points assessed are accurate and to determine if there are any mitigating circumstance which would indicate that the contemplated termination would be inappropriate. A finding of validity and appropriateness will result in the dismissal of the employee. Upon a finding of inaccuracy or inappropriateness, the employee shall be placed at the appropriate level of the corrective action schedule.
Promulgated Under:
Authority: 3364
Rule Amplifies: 3364
Prior Effective
Dates: 11/03/2016