3364-61-14. Unmanned aircraft systems ("UAS") and model aircraft

Latest version.
  • (A) Policy statement

    All operation and use of unmanned aircraft systems ("UAS") and model aircraft on or above university property must be preapproved by the university and in compliance with the rules of operation set forth in this policy, including associated procedures promulgated pursuant to the authority of this rule. See paragraph (G) of this policy for link to form requesting pre-approval.

    (B) Purpose of policy

    (1) Reasonably mitigate public safety risks to individuals and organizations potentially affected by "UAS" or model aircraft operations:

    (2) Ensure compliance with federal, state, and local laws and university liability insurance provisions: and

    (3) Meet institutional regulations and ethical responsibilities with respect to privacy.

    (C) Scope

    Any individual who operates or wishes to operate "UAS" or model aircraft on or above university property.

    (D) Operation

    All operation and use of unmanned aircraft systems ("UAS") and model aircraft on or above university property must comply with federal aviation administration ("FAA") regulations, and any local, state and federal laws. Any operation or use violating such regulations and laws is prohibited. It is the responsibility of the operator to ensure compliance with all applicable laws.

    (E) Enforcement and penalties

    (1) Any person operating a "UAS" or model aircraft on university property without an approved request form: in violation of their "FAA" approved status or any federal, state or local law: or, in violation of university rules or policies, may be advised by university police or any university representative with control or jurisdiction over the activity to cease operation immediately until appropriate approval is received.

    (2) Student violations may be addressed in accordance with the code of student conduct as well as other applicable rules and policies and may include sanctions, up to and including expulsion.

    (3) Employee violations may be resolved in accordance with university disciplinary rules and policies, up to and including termination.

    (4) Any violators of local, state and federal laws and regulations may be addressed by appropriate law enforcement or "FAA" authorities.

    (F) Definitions

    (1) University property: buildings, grounds and land owned by the university of Toledo or controlled by the university of Toledo via leases or other formal contractual arrangements for university activities.

    (2) Unmanned aircraft system ("UAS"): "UAS" is also known as unmanned aerial vehicle ("UAV") or may be characterized as a drone. UAS is an unmanned aircraft and all of the associated support equipment, control station, data links, telemetry, communications and navigations equipment, etc. necessary to operate the unmanned aircraft safely in the national airspace system.

    (G) Link to unmanned aircraft systems ("UAS") procedure link to pre-approval form

Effective: 10/4/2016
Promulgated Under: 111.15
Statutory Authority: 3364
Rule Amplifies: 3364