3364-71-17. Credit for prior learning  

Latest version.
  • (A) Policy statement

    The university of Toledo recognizes the validity of prior learning. College credit will be granted only for documented, authenticated and demonstrated college-level learning outcomes and not for experience alone. Credit will be awarded based on the method of prior learning demonstrated by the student. College-level learning is defined as demonstrated achievement of learning outcomes, theoretical and/or applied, that match the depth and breadth of the content of a college course or curriculum objectives.

    (B) Purpose of policy

    This policy is to establish the awarding of prior learning credit at the university of Toledo.

    (C) Scope

    This policy applies to all undergraduate students. Each college may publish detailed implementation strategies specific to that college.

    (D) Procedure

    Prior learn credit will be coordinated through the university's prior learning assessment (PLA) program which will adhere and maintain best practices in assessing prior learning as recommended by the higher learning commission (HLC) and the council for adult and experiential learning (CAEL).

    Prior learning assessment faculty advisory committee

    The prior learning faculty advisory committee (PLFAC) will serve as a strong component in the assessment process of prior learning credit. The PLFAC will also provide consultation and resources for the PLA office regarding questions and concerns related to curriculum and content expertise. Approved recommendations from this group will be enforced by the PLA program as directed by the dean of the college.

    The faculty advisory committee (FAC) will consist of representation from each college that has participating courses in the program.

    Additionally, a member from the faculty senate executive committee will serve on the FAC in representation of faculty senate. Participation on the FAC will be on a voluntary basis, but the PLA program will recommend serving no longer than three academic years.

    Credit may be obtained by demonstrating learning through the following assessment methods,

    (1) Standardized testing - Students demonstrate college-level learning through nationally recognized examinations. The university of Toledo accepts examination scores from Advanced placement (AP) examinations; college level examination program (CLEP); DANTES subject standardized tests (DSST); and international baccalaureate (IB) examinations and other accepted standardized testing. The university follows the directive on standardized testing issued by the Ohio board of regents.

    (2) Non-sponsored collegiate learning - Students have demonstrated college-level learning in alternative learning experiences which equates to college credit. The university accepts credit evaluated by the American council on education (ACE); military training, experience and coursework. The university follows the directive on non-sponsored collegiate learning for military credit issued by the Ohio board of regents.

    (3) The university follows the directives on the transfer and articulation of tech prep credit as directed by the Ohio board of regents.

    Credit by examination - Students demonstrate college-level learning through course-specific examinations created and evaluated by faculty assessors from the department/school in which the course is offered from the university. Colleges and/or specific programs may establish guidelines on the acceptance of credit by examination in accord with any directive on credit by examination issued by the Ohio board of regents.

    (4) Experiential learning portfolio - Students demonstrate college-level learning by submitting a collection of evidence that documents the match between their experiential learning and learning outcomes of a specific course offered at the university of Toledo. Colleges and/or specific programs may establish guidelines on the acceptance of credit by examination in accord with any directive on credit by examination issued by the Ohio board of regents.

    (E) Student eligibility

    To earn prior learning credit through portfolio or credit by exam, a student must be currently enrolled and registered at the university of Toledo. Students are required to have the signature of their academic adviser before beginning the process of obtaining prior learning credit. A student's prior experiences will be measured through learning outcomes and is subject to the expertise of the faculty assessor. A faculty assessor will be assigned after the student obtains the approval from their academic advisor.

    Student eligibility for other methods of prior learning is subject to the requirements of the program of study and any directives issued by the Ohio board of regents.

    Prior learning credit limitation

    A student may earn up to thirty total semester credit hours through portfolio and/or credit by exam toward a baccalaureate degree and fifteen total hours toward an associate degree. Maximum hours earned toward a certificate program depend on the program and will be determined by the department chair.

    Additional prior learning credits may also be awarded through methods such as CLEP (college level examination placement), AP DSST, other accepted standardized testing, ACE (American council on education) recommendations, other non-sponsored collegiate learning or transferred from other colleges.

    Individual colleges and/or departments within the university of Toledo may impose separate prior learning credit limits from all methods for their own programs and degrees.

    Credits earned through any prior learning method do not fulfill college residency requirements. Credit can be earned only once for the same course. Transcripts from other institutions and documentation from other sources of learning will be cross-checked. Only undergraduate credit may earn prior learning assessment.

    Prior learning credit evaluation process

    The prior learning assessment program will follow a course-equivalency credit model for portfolio and credit by exam. Students will need to demonstrate and document their college-level learning toward course objectives and learning outcomes of university of Toledo courses. Credit cannot be obtained for courses outside of the university of Toledo through these methods. Faculty assessors will be identified and assigned through the chair of the department in which the class is offered and/or the college representative of the faculty advisory committee. Faculty assessors will work with the PLA office and student to determine which assessment method would be most effective to demonstrate and document the learning outcomes of each course. Some subjects and content areas lend themselves to competence demonstration rather than written assessment. In instances when performance is clearly the best criterion of a learning outcome, it will be arranged through the PLA office in consultation with the faculty assessor.

    Prior learning credit evaluation adheres to the university's standard operations of credit transfer evaluation.

    Grading and transcription of prior learning credit.

    Prior learning credit earned through portfolio or credit by exam is to be posted during the term in which the credit is granted. The faculty member in conjunction with the department chair will make the distinction if a letter or non-letter grade will be awarded. The course title, grade or non-letter grade and either the portfolio or credit by exam distinction will be transcripted to the student's record.

    All prior learning credit evaluated and equated will be transcripted.

    Appeals process

    If a student is not granted credit for a portfolio, he or she may resubmit it by the end of the next full semester from the time of receiving the evaluation results. The resubmitted portfolio must have been substantially revised in content, and contain an addendum detailing revisions. The student must also have an appeals process form on file in the prior learning assessment program office. A portfolio may not be resubmitted more than once and the same assessment process will be followed. Any portfolios submitted under the appeals process will also be reviewed and approved by the FAC. If a student is not granted credit through credit by exam, it will be at the discretion of the department chair if a second exam may be administered.

    Student concerns regarding the assessment process need to be submitted in writing and will be addressed by the PLA director, representatives of the FAC and the dean of the college of adult and lifelong learning.

    Assessment fees and processing

    The student will pay a per credit hour assessment fee for the assessment process for portfolio and credit by exam credit. This fee only covers the assessment of the prior learning and does not guarantee credit will be granted. Assessment fees are non-refundable. Fees are subject to board of trustees approval. Students may refer to the treasurer's office for a fee schedule.

    A transcription fee of one-half the current per credit hour in-state tuition rate is assessed for those courses a student has recorded on his or her transcript. By completing the petition for prior learning form or the credit by exam form, the student agrees to be financially responsible for the transcription fee assessed on their university billing account. The university of Toledo policies on billing and student accounts will apply to any outstanding balances and will be subject to late payment fees.

    Prior learning assessment course

    A prior learning assessment course will be required for students who are pursuing credit through the portfolio method. This three-credit hour course will prepare students to create a portfolio ready for assessment. It is a graded course and the student must complete a portfolio to pass the course. A student may only receive a PR (in progress) for work that extends past one semester. A student may submit an appeal to waive the course requirement under circumstances as defined by the college of adult and lifelong learning.

Effective: 4/13/2020
Promulgated Under: 111.15
Statutory Authority: 3364
Rule Amplifies: 3364