3364-72-03. Faculty workload measurement and reporting requirements for colleges of the university of Toledo  

Latest version.
  • (A) Policy statement

    The university of Toledo recognizes the work of its tenured and tenure-track faculty to be of utmost importance to the accomplishment of its mission. Recognizing also that measurement of that valued contribution is essential to the welfare of the institution and its stakeholders, the policy of the university of Toledo will be that each department chair, college dean and unit leader develop a faculty workload measurement methodology which will be translated into credit hour equivalent per semester ("CHE/s").

    (B) Purpose of policy

    To set forth requirements for the measurement and reporting of faculty workload.

    (C) Scope

    This policy applies to the tenured and tenure-track faculty of the entire university and all colleges within the university and is in accordance with section 3345.45 of the Revised Code and resolution 11-02-02 of the board of trustees ("faculty workload policy").

    (D) Procedure

    (1) The dean of each college, in consultation with the department chairs, will develop appropriate equivalencies between research and other forms of inquiry, service, classroom and other teaching to allow recording and reporting of CHE/s. Records of the work of individual faculty members, departments, colleges, and other units will be maintained and be made available to the provost or chancellor annually or upon request.

    (2) These workload measurements and records will be a necessary part of all requests for new faculty lines (any track), part of all offer letters, and a necessary part of annual budget hearings at the department, college or unit level.

    (3) Faculty workload should be part of the post-tenure review process or professional assessment process described in rule 3364-72-52 of the Administrative Code (post tenure review) or the applicable collective bargaining agreement. Should reported measurements indicate an inadequate workload, a special post-tenure review ("special review") or special assessment will be performed in accordance with the applicable policy or collective bargaining agreement.

Effective: 4/20/2020
Promulgated Under: 111.15
Statutory Authority: 3364
Rule Amplifies: 3364