3364-72-05. Departments and departmental chairs for the university colleges  

Latest version.
  • (A) Policy statement

    The university of Toledo will be organized into departments of specialized studies with a chair for each department.

    (B) Purpose of policy

    To clarify the organization of the university of Toledo and set forth the rules regarding the appointment, removal and responsibilities of departmental chairs and members.

    (C) Scope

    This policy applies to the entire university and all colleges within the university. This policy supersedes all other policies and procedures of the university with respect to the subject matter contained in this policy, including but not limited to any specific college or department constitution, policy, rule or procedure.

    (D) Procedure

    (1) Departments

    (a) Departments of the university are areas of specialized study composed of faculty with interests of a common purpose ("departments"). Departments will serve as the basic administrative, teaching and research unit administered by department chairs, who will report to the dean of the respective colleges. Departments may be further organized into schools, divisions, centers or other units as necessary. Upon the advice of the university chancellor and executive vice president for biosciences and health affairs ("chancellor") or provost and executive vice president for academic affairs ("provost"), the deans may design programs, schools, institutes or other types of structures within or between the colleges under the responsibility of that chancellor or provost.

    (b) Department chairs

    (i) Appointment of department chair

    The department chair is officially appointed by the board of trustees upon the recommendation by the dean to the chancellor or provost of the college under which that department chair is appointed and to the president. Before making the recommendations to the chancellor or provost and then the chancellor or provost recommending to the president, the dean of the appropriate college will confer with faculty members of the department for which the chair is to be appointed. The chair may be a member of that college's faculty and although a tenured faculty member is preferred, tenure is not required. Once a person is appointed and approved as chair, the person will not be a member of a faculty collective bargaining unit while holding that office.

    (ii) Duration and review

    The department chair's appointment is only administrative in nature and is not subject to tenure. The chair will serve for a five-year term and may be renewable for additional five-year terms for good performance. Shorter terms for interim chairs and acting chairs will be structured on mutually agreeable terms. Review of a department chair's performance will be conducted by the dean of the college no less than annually for new chairs who have held the position for less than two years and no less than every five years for all other chairs. All performance reviews conducted by the deans for chair performance will be shared with the chancellor or provost of that college. Outside peer review may be initiated at the request of the dean of the college, the chancellor or provost for that college or the president. At any time, the dean at the dean's discretion may initiate a review and thereafter take appropriate action with respect to the chair position.

    (iii) Removal

    A chair may be removed from the position as chair any time for any reason upon the recommendation of the dean of the college, the chancellor or the provost of that college or the president. In addition, the chair may be removed for cause, including but not limited to failure to perform chair duties, upon the recommendation of any of the following: the dean of the college, the chancellor or provost of the college or the president. The board of trustees will officially approve all removals.

    (c) Department chairs responsibilities, include but are not limited to, the following:

    (i) General administrative responsibility for the affairs of the department, including successful planning, organization, development, implementation, and direction of all aspects of the department; providing oversight, assessment, and development of all educational programs and research activities; and general departmental leadership including presiding over departmental committee meetings and designing and communicating the department's educational and service mission.

    (ii) Stewarding the resources of the department, the college and the university as an advocate and ambassador for the chair's faculty, staff, students and other stake holders.

    (iii) Providing direction in instruction by selecting and scheduling, subject to the approval of the dean, courses to be taught, taking into consideration student demand and departmental programming; assisting to assign courses to faculty in accordance with applicable workload policies; leading the department in the process of curricular review, revision and development; conveying such changes in curriculum, courses and programs to the college and university as appropriate; guiding curriculum initiatives through to approval;

    (iv) Leading in faculty recruitment, instruction, appointments and re-appointments, tenure and promotion per applicable policy; assists the dean in determining salaries and merit increases, sabbatical and other leaves of absence; managing all personnel in the department; participating in discipline and discharge where appropriate; and promoting diversity in recruitment and retention of faculty, staff, and students;

    (v) Preparation of the following annual reports and reviews: an annual report of the performance of the department; budgetary requests for operating and capital funds and salaries for faculty and staff within the department; Annual performance review and evaluation of departmental faculty; and other reports as assigned by the dean or provost;

    (vi) Facilitate the work of members of the department and building consensus and fostering cooperative relationships in the department;

    (vii) Procuring training and research grants for the department; encouraging faculty members to develop applications for training and research grants; and creating and supporting effective partnerships with local and national industry and government;

    (viii) Coordinating accreditation initiatives;

    (ix) Strategic planning and strategic operations;

    (x) Management of all departmental finances and resources in a fiscally responsible manner and complying with the university budgetary process;

    (xi) Assuring compliance with university policies and procedures;

    (xii) Coordinating departmental activities with alumni, the Toledo area community and other outside groups; and

    (xiii) Accepting other duties as assigned by the dean, chancellor or provost of that college.

    (d) Faculty appointments to departments will be made by the board upon the recommendation of the chair with the approval of the dean of the college and the chancellor or provost of the respective college. Such recommendations, only after approval the president, will be forwarded to the board.

Effective: 4/20/2020
Promulgated Under: 111.15
Statutory Authority: 3364
Rule Amplifies: 3364