Ohio Administrative Code (Last Updated: January 12, 2021) |
3364 University of Toledo |
Chapter3364-72. Faculty Qualifications |
3364-72-15. Expedited tenure review
(A) Policy statement
It is the policy of the university of Toledo (UT) that all faculty and faculty administrators hired into the university at the rank of associate professor or above and who have previously been awarded tenure at an accredited academic institution with standards comparable to or surpassing those of the university, may, subject to the procedures and approvals outlined below, be awarded tenure upon their entry into UT.
(B) Purpose of policy
UT is committed to recruiting, hiring, and retaining outstanding faculty and faculty administrators who have demonstrated sustained excellence in teaching, professional activity, and service. The university is also committed to providing an expedited process for exemption from the probationary period and awarding tenure upon entry when the faculty member or administrator, who has previously been awarded tenure, has met the high standards of the relevant discipline and meets or exceeds the standards for tenure at UT.
(C) Scope
This policy applies to all external faculty and faculty administrators who have accepted and signed a letter of offer for a position at UT at the rank of associate professor, professor, and endowed professor or chair and who hold tenure at another accredited academic institution.
Rank is not within the scope or authority of this policy. Deans retain the authority to determine the appropriate rank of external new hire faculty and/or faculty administrators subject to the approval of the provost and the reviewing units outlined in the collective bargaining unit. (CBA).
The expedited tenure process shall not be used for faculty members or academic administrators who are currently employed and/or under contract at UT.
(D) Procedure
At the time of the selection of the search finalists for faculty or administrative positions, the candidate's curriculum vitae (CV) shall be reviewed by the first-level faculty committee, e.g., department personnel committee (DPC) or its equivalent. The first-level faculty committee shall make an initial determination that based on the materials presented the candidate "should be considered for expedited tenure review." If the first-level faculty committee fails to respond within ten days of receiving the official curriculum vitae from the dean or search committee chair, the dean will presume the first-level faculty support the candidate's evaluation for expedited tenure review.
Upon the acceptance of the offer letter, the dean shall provide an abbreviated dossier pertaining to the individual selected for hire. The abbreviated dossier shall include a complete CV, application letter and/or personal statement, documentation of tenure at another institution, and evidence of teaching effectiveness (if applicable). Additional external evaluation letters are not necessary.
The abbreviated dossier shall be sent to the appropriate reviewing units outlined in the CBA or college of medicine and life sciences' (COMLS) criteria and/or faculty rules and regulations for faculty not bound by a CBA.
The abbreviated dossier shall be circulated electronically to accelerate the process. Letters of recommendation from each level will be sent electronically and must answer the question "do you recommend tenure for this appointment?". If the result of the expedited tenure review awards tenure the recommendations will be collected and submitted to the official personnel file of the individual.
Each evaluating unit must consider the contents of the abbreviated dossier and compare its contents to the departmental or programmatic standards in place at UT. If applicable each evaluating unit will also consider discipline specific standards that may exceed or not be reflected in tenure standards at accredited institutions designated as peer or aspirational to UT.
Each evaluating unit will be notified simultaneously and will have twenty-one calendar days to respond. The appropriate evaluation units are listed as followed:
(1) Faculty governed by the CBA: department personnel committee, chair, college personnel committee, dean, university personnel committee.
(2) Faculty governed by the COMLS' criteria and procedures or faculty rules and regulations for faculty not bound by a CBA; department chair; appointment, promotions and tenure committee (APT); dean.
The expedited process does not require an evaluation based on the prior levels of review. Each evaluating unit shall make a determination based on the materials presented. An evaluating unit's failure to respond within the timeframe will result in a presumption of support for tenure by that evaluating unit. If a level of evaluation does not provide a written evaluation, the dean shall be required to add the following to the dossier:
(a) the dated notification sent to the evaluating level;
(b) all communications sent to secure an evaluation within the evaluation process.
The recommendations will be compiled and forwarded to the provost. If the provost recommends tenure, the evaluation will be submitted to the president, who will make a recommendation to the board of trustees.
Promulgated Under:
Authority: 3364
Rule Amplifies: