3701-19-40. Interdisciplinary team and interdisciplinary plan of care  

Latest version.
  • (A) Each pediatric respite care program shall have an interdisciplinary team or teams that provides or supervises the provision of pediatric respite care and services. The governing body of the pediatric respite care program shall designate a registered nurse that is a member of an interdisciplinary team to coordinate the overall functioning of that interdisciplinary team to ensure all of the following:

    (1) There is ongoing assessment of the pediatric respite patient's and family's needs;

    (2) That all components of the plan of care are addressed by the interdisciplinary team; and

    (3) The plan of care is implemented in accordance with its terms.

    (B) The interdisciplinary team or teams shall perform the following functions:

    (1) Establish policies and procedures governing the provision of care. If the pediatric respite care program has more than one interdisciplinary team, it designate which team is to be responsible for establishing the policies and procedures or it shall specify particular areas for which each team is to establish policies and procedures.

    (2) Establish an interdisciplinary plan of care for each pediatric respite care patient and family;

    (a) The interdisciplinary plan of care should include a statement indicating the expected frequency of admission to the pediatric respite care program's facility; and

    (b) The interdisciplinary plan of care shall be reviewed and revised if necessary, upon each subsequent admission.

    (3) Review the interdisciplinary plan of care on a periodic basis while the pediatric respite care patient is at the respite facility, no less frequently than every seven days;

    (4) Encourage and foster active involvement of the patient and family in the development and implementation of the interdisciplinary plan of care; and

    (5) Evaluate the pediatric respite care and services provided and monitor the continuity of care across all settings for the pediatric respite care program's patients and their families.

    (C) A pediatric respite care program shall ensure that each patient's attending physician, if any, or the pediatric respite care program medical director, periodically reviews the patient's plan of care.

Five Year Review (FYR) Dates: 11/5/2018 and 11/05/2023
Promulgated Under: 119.03
Statutory Authority: 3712.031
Rule Amplifies: 3712.031 , 3712.041, 3712.051, 3712.061, 3712.09, 3712.99
Prior Effective Dates: 12/26/2013

Prior History: (Effective: 12/26/2013
R.C. 119.032 review dates: 12/01/2018
Promulgated Under: 119.03
Statutory Authority: 3712.031
Rule Amplifies: 3712.031, 3712.041, 3712.051, 3712.061, 3712.09, 3712.99)