3701-69-03. License application procedures for radon testers  

Latest version.
  • (A) To apply for a license as a radon tester, a person shall:

    (1) Submit to the director an application on a form prescribed and provided by the director, which shall include but shall not be limited to the following information:

    (a) Name and address of applicant;

    (b) Federal tax identification number;

    (c) Contact information;

    (d) Description of any of the following matters to which the applicant or an affiliated, associated, or related person was a party:

    (i) Any radon mitigation or radon testing projects which were terminated prior to completion;

    (ii) Any penalties, citations, or administrative orders or actions pertaining to radon mitigation or radon testing; and

    (iii) Any lawsuits pertaining to radon mitigation or radon testing. Copies of initial pleadings and final orders shall be attached to the application;

    (e) The basic quality assurance and quality control procedures as described in rule 3701-69-07 of the Administrative Code that will be utilized to assure the reliability and validity of radon measurements;

    (f) The radiological safety plan designed to keep each licensee's exposure to radon as low as reasonably achievable;

    (g) Type, manufacturer, serial number and model number of all instrumentation to be used in radon measurement. If the applicant will use devices requiring subsequent laboratory analysis, the applicant shall list the name and address of the radon laboratory providing the analysis and its approval number issued under rule 3701-69-12 of the Administrative Code; and

    (h) The frequency of instrument calibration, the name of the provider of instrument calibration and most recent proof of calibration. The provider of instrument calibration shall be approved by the manufacturer of the instrument or the director.

    (2) Provide documentation of successful completion of an approved radon measurement training course required by paragraph (A)(3)(c) of rule 3701-69-06 of the Administrative Code. The documentation shall include the course title, course sponsor, names of course instructors, date and place of course, and length of course; and

    (3) Provide documentation of passing an approved radon measurement examination required by paragraph (A)(3)(d) of rule 3701-69-06 of the Administrative Code.

    (4) Individuals that submit with their applications, proof that they are a service member or veteran, or the spouse or surviving spouse of a service member or veteran will receive priority expedited licensure processing. Their applications will be reviewed within five business days of receipt and before all other applications for licensure.

    (a) The acceptable proof of service member/veteran status documents are:

    (i) Department of defense identification card (active, retired, temporary disability retirement list (TDRL));

    (ii) DD214 military discharge certificate indicating disposition of discharge;

    (iii) Report of separation from the national archives national personnel records center in St. Louis, Missouri; or

    (iv) Veterans identification card from the department of veterans affairs.

    (b) All acceptable proof documents, except veterans identification card, must show the veteran status as honorable, general, general under honorable conditions, or discharged or released under conditions other than dishonorable.

    (B) Each radon tester license issued under this chapter is nontransferable and shall expire two years after the date of issuance. A licensee may apply for renewal of a radon tester license by doing all of the following:

    (1) Submitting an application for renewal, which shall include the licensee's license number and the information required by paragraphs (A)(1) to (A)(3) of this rule. The application shall be submitted no less than ninety days before the expiration of the existing license;

    (2) Submitting documentation that demonstrates successful completion of the relevant continuing education hours required by rule 3701-69-07 of the Administrative Code.

    (C) An application for a radon tester license or renewal of a radon tester license shall be accompanied by electronic payment of the nonrefundable biennial license fee or a check or money order payable to the "Treasurer, State of Ohio" in the amount of four hundred dollars.

    (D) The director may make a written request for the applicant to provide additional information the director determines to be necessary to assess compliance with the criteria, standards, and requirements established by this chapter. The application shall not be considered complete until the director has received the proper fee and any requested additional information.

    (1) The applicant shall submit any additional information requested in writing by the director so that it is received in writing by the director within thirty business days of the receipt date of the director's written request.

    (2) If the application is still incomplete, the director may make further requests for information.

    (3) If the applicant fails to respond to the director's written requests for further information or the applicant is not responsive to director requests within sixty business days, the application will be denied.

Effective: 11/5/2015
Five Year Review (FYR) Dates: 01/01/2018
Promulgated Under: 119.03
Statutory Authority: 3723.09
Rule Amplifies: 3723.03, 3723.04, 3723.05, 3723.06, 3723.08
Prior Effective Dates: 1/1/1992, 7/9/01, 1/1/13