3701-69-06. License application review process; criteria for licensure; denial, suspension, or revocation of licenses  

Latest version.
  • (A) After a license or renewal application is completed in accordance with rules 3701-69-03, 3701-69-04 and 3701-69-05 of the Administrative Code, the director shall determine whether the applicant meets the following criteria, as applicable:

    (1) The radiological safety plan and the quality assurance and quality control procedures are sufficient to assure that employee exposure to radiation is as low as reasonably achievable, protect the public from unnecessary exposure to radiation, assure valid and reliable radon measurements, and assure effective radon mitigation;

    (2) The applicant demonstrates the capacity to comply with the applicable requirements of this chapter;

    (3) In the case of an application for a radon tester license:

    (a) The applicant's quality assurance and quality control procedures for radon measurement contain the standards and protocols described in rule 3701-69-07 of the Administrative Code for radon measurements conducted in Ohio;

    (b) The radiological safety plan is designed to keep each licensee's exposure to radon as low as reasonably achievable. This plan shall include both administrative and operational aspects of the safety program and a listing of safety-related equipment used;

    (c) The applicant has successfully completed a radon measurement training course currently approved by the director under rule 3701-69-10 of the Administrative Code; and

    (d) The applicant has passed a radon measurement examination currently approved by the director:

    (4) In the case of an application for a mitigation specialist license:

    (a) The applicant has successfully completed a radon mitigation training course and a radon measurement training course currently approved by the director under rule 3701-69-10 of the Administrative Code;

    (b) The applicant has passed a radon measurement examination and a radon mitigation examination currently approved by the director;

    (c) The applicant's quality assurance and quality control procedures for radon measurement contain the standards and protocols described in rule 3701-69-07 of the Administrative Code for radon measurements conducted in Ohio:

    (d) The applicant's quality assurance and quality control procedures for radon mitigation contain the elements of the Ohio radon mitigation standards as outlined in rule 3701-69-08 of the Administrative Code; and

    (e) The radiological safety plan is designed to keep each licensee's exposure to radon as low as reasonably achievable. This plan shall include both administrative and operational aspects of the safety program and a listing of safety-related equipment used; and

    (5) In the case of an application for a radon mitigation contractor license:

    (a) The applicant's quality assurance and quality control procedures for radon measurement contain the standards and protocols described in rule 3701-69-07 of the Administrative Code for radon measurements conducted in Ohio;

    (b) The applicant's quality assurance and quality control procedures for radon mitigation contain the elements of the Ohio radon mitigation standards as outlined in rule 3701-69-08 of the Administrative Code;

    (c) The radiological safety plan is designed to keep each employee's exposure to radon as low as reasonably achievable. This plan shall include both administrative and operational aspects of the safety program and a listing of safety-related equipment to be provided to workers; and

    (d) The radon mitigation contract to be used meets the minimum language requirements outlined in rule 3701-69-05 of the Administrative Code.

    (B) In accordance with Chapter 119. of the Revised Code, the director may do either of the following:

    (1) Refuse to issue a license to an individual, business entity, or government entity that does not meet the requirements of Chapter 3723. of the Revised Code or this chapter or has been in violation of those requirements; or

    (2) Suspend, revoke, or refuse to renew the license of an individual, business entity, or government entity that is or has been in violation of the requirements of Chapter 3723. of the Revised Code or this chapter.

Replaces: 3701-69-04

Effective: 01/01/2013
R.C. 119.032 review dates: 01/01/2018
Promulgated Under: 119.03
Statutory Authority: 3723.09
Rule Amplifies: 3723.03, 3723.04, 3723.05, 3723.06, 3723.08
Prior Effective Dates: 1/1/1992, 7/9/01