3701-83-33. Definitions - freestanding birthing centers  

Latest version.
  • As used in rules 3701-83-33 to 3701-83-42 of the Administrative Code:

    (A) "Certified nurse-midwife" or "CNM" means an individual with a certificate to practice nurse-midwifery issued under Chapter 4723. of the Revised Code.

    (B) "Director of patient services" means the individual responsible for managing and directing the provision of patient services at the freestanding birthing center.

    (C) "Family" means the individual or individuals designated by the expectant mother to participate in the birthing center's program.

    (D) "Freestanding birthing center" or "center" means a facility, or part of a facility, which provides care during pregnancy, delivery, and the immediate postpartum period to the low-risk expectant mother. "Freestanding birthing center" does not include a hospital registered under section 3701.07 of the Revised Code, or an entity that is reviewed as part of a hospital accreditation or certification program.

    (E) "Low-risk expectant mother" means an expectant mother that does not exhibit evidence of:

    (1) Diabetes mellitus or gestational diabetes that is not controlled by diet;

    (2) Heart disease in which there is any limitation of physical activity and ordinary physical activity does not cause undue fatigue, palpitation, dyspnea, or anginal pain;

    (3) Renal disease;

    (4) Endocrine disorder, except treated hypothyroidism;

    (5) Hematologic disorder;

    (6) Severe anemia (hemoglobin less than ten grams/deciliter);

    (7) Chronic or gestational hypertension or pre-eclampsia;

    (8) Rh factor sensitization or other isoimmunization;

    (9) Respiratory disease with significant chance of fetal hypoxia or maternal respiratory distress;

    (10) Active herpes;

    (11) Prior uterine incisions other than low transverse uterine incisions;

    (12) Prematurity (less than thirty-seven weeks gestation);

    (13) Human immunodeficiency virus positive;

    (14) Known congenital anomalies except for anomalies that do not require services beyond the extent of services the center is authorized by law to provide;

    (15) Previous abruption;

    (16) Known or suspected drug or alcohol abuse;

    (17) Suspected or documented intrauterine growth retardation or fetal macrosomia;

    (18) Placental abnormalities;

    (19) Multiple births;

    (20) Non-vertex presentation; or

    (21) Deep venous thrombophlebitis.

Effective: 7/1/2016
Five Year Review (FYR) Dates: 02/16/2016 and 02/15/2021
Promulgated Under: 119.03
Statutory Authority: 3702.13, 3702.30
Rule Amplifies: 3702.12, 3702.13, 3702.30
Prior Effective Dates: 1/13/1996, 6/27/96, 7/13/03, 4/24/11