3701-83-56. Definitions - exempt freestanding birthing centers  

Latest version.
  • As used in rules 3701-83-56 to 3701-83-59 of the Administrative Code:

    (A) "Apprentice midwife" means an individual who is currently serving an apprenticeship under a practicing midwife.

    (B) "Certified professional midwife" means an independent practitioner who has met the standards for certification set by the North American registry of midwives.

    (C) "Certified nurse-midwife" or "CNM" has the same meaning as in paragraph (A) of rule 3701-83-33 of the Administrative Code.

    (D) "Director of patient services" means the individual who is responsible for managing and directing the provision of patient services at the exempt center. The director of patient services may serve as the administrator of the exempt center.

    (E) "Doula" means an assistant who provides various forms of non-medical, non-midwifery and non-clinical physical or emotional support during the pre-natal, childbirth, and postpartum periods.

    (F) "Exempt freestanding birthing center," "exempt freestanding birth center," "exempt birth center," or "exempt center" means a health care facility that is not required to obtain a license under section 3702.30 of the Revised Code and paragraph (B) of rule 3701-83-03 of the Administrative Code.

    (G) "Lay midwife" or "traditional midwife" means an individual who has entered the profession as an apprentice to a practicing midwife rather than a formal school or certification program.

    (H) "Low-risk pregnancy" means an expectant mother that does not exhibit evidence of:

    (1) Diabetes mellitus or gestational diabetes that is not controlled by diet;

    (2) Heart disease in which there is any limitation of physical activity and ordinary physical activity does not cause undue fatigue, palpitation, dyspnea or anginal pain;

    (3) Renal disease;

    (4) Endrocrine disorder, except treated by hypothyroidism;

    (5) Hematologic disorder;

    (6) Severe anemia (hemoglobin less than ten grams per deciliter);

    (7) Chronic or gestational hypertension or pre-eclampsia;

    (8) RH factor sensitization or other isoimmunization;

    (9) Respiratory disease with significant chance of fetal hypoxia or maternal respiratory distress;

    (10) Active herpes;

    (11) Prior uterine incisions other than low transverse uterine incisions;

    (12) Prematurity as defined as less than thirty-seven weeks gestation;

    (13) Human immunodeficiency virus positive;

    (14) Known congenital anomalies except for anomalies that do not require services beyond the extent of services the center is authorized by law to provide;

    (15) Previous abruption;

    (16) Known or suspected drug or alcohol use;

    (17) Suspected or documented intrauterine growth retardation or fetal macrosomia;

    (18) Placental abnormalities;

    (19) Expectation of multiple births;

    (20) Non-vertex presentation; and

    (21) Deep venous thrombophlebitis.

    (I) "Low-risk delivery" means the delivery by a woman not exhibiting evidence of:

    (1) Previous low transverse cesarean birth;

    (2) Previous postpartum hemorrhage requiring treatment by transfusion;

    (3) Epilepsy or seizures controlled by medication;

    (4) Previous postmaturity delivery as defined as greater than forty-two weeks gestation;

    (5) A lack of prenatal care;

    (6) Cephalopelvic disproportion; or

    (7) Other serious or acute medical conditions.

    (J) "Medical director" means the physician the exempt center has appointed to provide medical consultation and direction regarding the operations of the center.

    (K) "Midwife" means a certified professional midwife, a lay midwife, or a traditional midwife.

    (L) "Patient" means an expectant mother, mother, or newborn.

Effective: 04/24/2011
R.C. 119.032 review dates: 02/07/2011 and 02/10/2016
Promulgated Under: 119.03
Statutory Authority: 3702.301
Rule Amplifies: 3702.301
Prior Effective Dates: 6/1/2007