Chapter3701:1-49. Licensing and Safety Requirements for Well Logging  

3701:1-49-01. Definitions
3701:1-49-02. Purpose and scope
3701:1-49-03. Application for a specific license for well logging
3701:1-49-04. Agreement with well owner or operator
3701:1-49-05. Labels, security, and transportation precautions
3701:1-49-06. Radiation detection instruments
3701:1-49-07. Leak testing of sealed sources
3701:1-49-08. Physical inventory
3701:1-49-09. Records of material use
3701:1-49-10. Design and performance criteria for sealed sources
3701:1-49-11. Inspection, maintenance, and opening of a source or source holder
3701:1-49-12. Subsurface tracer studies
3701:1-49-13. Radioactive markers
3701:1-49-14. Uranium sinker bars
3701:1-49-15. Use of a sealed source in a well without a surface casing
3701:1-49-16. Energy compensation sources
3701:1-49-17. Tritium neutron generator target source
3701:1-49-18. Training
3701:1-49-19. Operating and emergency procedures
3701:1-49-20. Personnel monitoring
3701:1-49-21. Radiation surveys
3701:1-49-22. Radioactive contamination control
3701:1-49-23. Security
3701:1-49-24. Documents and records required at field stations
3701:1-49-25. Documents and records required at temporary job sites
3701:1-49-26. Notification of incidents and lost sources; abandonment procedures for irretrievable sources