3746-5-04. Contents of the notice of appeal  

Latest version.
  • (A) The notice of appeal shall be in writing and shall set forth the name, address and telephone number of the appellant and shall include, or be accompanied by, a copy of the action being appealed.

    (B) The notice of appeal shall contain the assignments of error to be presented for review and the relief sought on appeal.

Replaces: 3746-5-07

Effective: 1/1/2018
Five Year Review (FYR) Dates: 04/21/2022
Promulgated Under: 111.15
Statutory Authority: 3745.03
Rule Amplifies: 3745.03 , 3745.04, 3745.05, 3745.07, 3750.19
Prior Effective Dates: 10/23/73, 3/9/99, 5/27/04, 6/21/09, 05/30/2014