3750-20-70. Exercise definitions  

Latest version.
  • As used in the exercise rules:

    (A) "Actual event" means a reportable release as defined by section 3750.06 of the Revised Code and rules adopted thereunder, for which exercise credit is being requested.

    (B) "Alternate emergency operations center" (EOC) means a fixed facility which meets all of the criteria in paragraph (B) of this rule and which can be used when the primary EOC is not available or geographic considerations make the alternate EOC more capable of accomplishing the essential functions of the primary EOC.

    (C) "Exercise objective" means the list of criteria used to evaluate a specific operations function. Exercise objectives are identified by the commission in the OHM-EEM.

    (D) "Operational capability" means the ability of emergency personnel to respond to individual chemical hazards in a manner which minimizes adverse effects upon the public, property, and the environment in compliance with applicable federal, state, and local statutes and regulations.

    (E) "Points of review" means those individual points identified in each exercise objective which are collectively used to evaluate the demonstration of a specific objective during an exercise, as established by the commission in the OHM-EEM.

    (F) "Primary emergency operations center" (EOC) means a fixed facility that is identified in the state's or the district's "chemical emergency response and preparedness plan" and that must be the same primary EOC identified in the state or local emergency operations plan. The facility must be capable of accommodating essential municipal, county, state, federal, and private representatives who are identified in the state's or the district's "chemical emergency response and preparedness plan." The facility must also be physically equipped to accommodate all participants' needs, as identified in the EOC requirements list found in the "Ohio Hazardous Materials Exercise Evaluation Manual" (OHM-EEM). An EOC's essential functions are the following:

    (1) Gathering and displaying information.

    (2) Coordination and decision-making.

    (3) Establishment of response and recovery priorities.

    (4) Identification and coordination of resources.

    (5) Providing centralized direction, control, and warning for response and recovery actions.

    (6) Supporting field operations.

    (7) Establishing and maintaining communications with field and support agencies.

    [Comment: "Ohio Hazardous Materials Exercise Evaluation Manual" (OHM-EEM): copies can be obtained by contacting the "State Emergency Response Commmission (SERC), 50 W. Town Street, PO Box 1049, Columbus, Ohio 43216-1049." The document is also available electronically at: http://epa.ohio.gov/portals/27/serc/EEMDec2008.pdf. The document is also available for inspection and use at most public libraries and "The State Library of Ohio." Referenced version is December, 2008 revision.]

Replaces: 3750-20-70

Effective: 12/25/2014
Five Year Review (FYR) Dates: 08/21/2019
Promulgated Under: 119.03
Statutory Authority: 3750.02(B)(2)(a), 3750.02(B)(2)(b)
Rule Amplifies: 3750.04
Prior Effective Dates: 1/16/91, 11/1/93, 10/1/98, 5/15/04