3769-13-35. Super high five wagering  

Latest version.
  • (A) The super high five requires selection of the first five finishers, in their exact order, for a single contest. The super high five pool shall be apportioned under the following method. "The super high five with carryover". The net super high five pool and carryover, if any, shall be distributed as a single priced pool to those who selected the first five finishers, in their exact order, based upon the official order of finish. If there are no such wagers, then a designated percentage of the net pool known as the super high five consolation pool, if any, shall be distributed as a single price pool as prescribed in paragraph (B) of this rule and the remainder shall be added to the carryover.

    (B) The net super high five pool shall be distributed to winning wagers in the following precedence, based upon the official order of finish:

    (1) As a single price pool to those whose combination finished in correct sequence as the first five betting interests; but if there are no such wagers, then;

    (2) As a single price pool to those whose combination included, in correct sequence, the first four betting interests; but if there are no such wagers, then;

    (3) As a single price pool to those whose combination included, in the correct sequence, the first three betting interests; but if there are no such wagers, then;

    (4) As a single price pool to those whose combination included, in correct sequence, the first two betting interests; but if there are no such wagers, then;

    (5) As a single price pool to those whose combination correctly selected the firstplace betting interest only; but if there are no such wagers, then;

    (6) The entire pool shall be refunded on the super high five wagers for that contest.

    (C) If less than five betting interests finish and the contest is declared official, the payoff shall be made from the super high five consolation pool, and shall be made to holders of tickets correctly selecting the actual finishing horses in exact order, ignoring the balance of the selection. In this event, the previous days carryover will be carried over to the next regularly scheduled super high five race.

    (D) If there is a dead heat for first involving:

    (1) Contestants representing five or more betting interests, all of the wagering combinations selecting five betting interests which correspond with any of the betting interests involved in the dead heat shall share in the profit split.

    (2) Contestants representing four betting interests, all of the wagering combinations selecting the four dead-heated betting interests, irrespective of order, along with the fifth-place betting interest shall share in a profit split.

    (3) Contestants representing three betting interests, all of the wagering combinations selecting the three-dead heated betting interests, irrespective of order, along with the fourth-place and fifth-place betting interest shall share in a profit split.

    (4) Contestants representing two betting interests, irrespective of order, along with the third-place, fourth-place and fifth-place betting interests shall share in a profit split.

    (E) If there is a dead heat for second involving:

    (1) Contestants representing four or more betting interests, all of the wagering combinations correctly selecting the winner combined with any of the four betting interests involved in the dead heat for second shall share in a profit split.

    (2) Contestants representing three betting interest, all of the wagering combinations correctly selecting the winner, the three dead-heated betting interests, irrespective of order, and the fifth-place betting interest shall share in the profit split.

    (3) Contestants representing two betting interests, all of the wagering combinations correctly selecting the winner, the two dead-heated betting interests, irrespective of order, and the fourth-place and fifth-place betting interest shall share in a profit split.

    (F) If there is a dead heat for third, all wagering combinations correctly selecting the first two finishers, in correct sequence, along with two of the betting interests involved in the dead heat for third shall share in the profit split.

    (G) If there is a dead heat for fourth, all wagering combinations correctly selecting the first three finishers, in correct sequence, along with any of the betting interests involved in the dead heat for fourth shall share in a profit split.

    (H) If there is a dead heat for fifth, all wagering combinations correctly selecting the first four finishers, in correct sequence, along with any of the betting interests involved in the dead heat for fifth shall share in a profit split.

    (I) The super high five race shall have a minimum of at least eight starters or there shall be a refund of all wagers. Coupled entries and mutuel fields shall be prohibited in super high five contests.

    (J) A written request for permission to distribute the super high five carryover on a specific performance may be submitted to the commission. The request must contain justification for the distribution, an explanation of the benefit to be derived, and the intended date and performance for the distribution.

    (K) Should the super high five carryover be designated for distribution on a specific date and performance in which there are no wagers selecting the first five finishers in exact order, then the entire pool shall be distributed as a single price pool as prescribed in paragraph (B) of this rule. In the event no ticket has been sold correctly selecting the winning horse to finish first, then the gross super high five pool will be refunded, and the carryover distributed equally to all closing day super high five ticket holders. The super high five shall be designated for distribution on a specified date and performance only under the following circumstances:

    (1) Upon written approval from the commission as provided in paragraph (J) of this rule.

    (2) Upon written approval from the commission if the super high five is discontinued.

    (3) On the closing performance of the meet or split meet.

    (L) If, for any reason, the super high five carryover must be held over to the corresponding super high five pool of a subsequent meet, the carryover shall be deposited in an interest bearing account approved by the commission. The super high five carryover plus the accrued interest shall be added to the net super high five pool of the following meet on a date and performance so designated by the commission.

Five Year Review (FYR) Dates: 6/3/2019 and 06/03/2024
Promulgated Under: 119.03
Statutory Authority: 3769.03
Rule Amplifies: 3769.03
Prior Effective Dates: 01/01/2009

Prior History: (Five Year Review (FYR) Dates: 07/24/2015 and 07/24/2020
Promulgated Under: 119.03
Statutory Authority: 3769.03
Rule Amplifies: 3769.03
Prior Effective Dates: 1/1/2009)