3772-15-05. Conditions of certification  

Latest version.
  • In order to be certified and maintain certification, the independent testing laboratory shall agree to the following conditions:

    (A) Obtain and maintain "Professional Liability (Errors and Omissions) Insurance" in the amount of one million dollars. If such insurance is not renewed, or revoked or terminated in any way, the commission shall be notified immediately;

    (B) Ensure that testing and support procedures are performed consistently at all laboratory locations;

    (C) Maintain accreditation from a reputable accrediting body to International Organization for Standardization (ISO) standards 17020 and 17025, and any other standards as required by the commission. If accreditation is not renewed, or is revoked or terminated in any way, the commission shall be notified immediately;

    (D) Make available to the commission, upon request, all policies, procedures and records of the independent test laboratory;

    (E) Have a full -time quality manager on staff who is responsible for ensuring compliance with national accreditation standards and Chapter 3772. of the Revised Code and the rules adopted thereunder.

    (F) Make available to the commission, upon request, a master list of all test methods, standards, forms, and other relevant documents used in the independent test laboratory;

    (G) Maintain an inventory of gaming equipment and authorized versions of software submitted for testing;

    (H) Maintain records for testing equipment requiring calibration and make the records available to the commission upon request;

    (I) Provide twenty-four hour technical service support to the commission;

    (J) Provide jackpot verification assistance when requested by the commission or a casino operator, holding company, or management company ;

    (K) Assist the commission in investigations when requested;

    (L) Assist and/or train commission agents on the security, compliance, and accounting/auditing practices that should be used;

    (M) Provide software verification tools to the commission , when requested;

    (N) Have internal policies and controls that prohibit any one individual from having the sole responsibility for both review and approval of gaming devices or technologies to be used in a casino facility;

    (O) Have physical security at each laboratory facility, including but not limited to, surveillance systems and alarms to minimize the risk that confidential information is misappropriated;

    (P) Ensure that all software media that is used in games, along with the documentation and source code that is supplied on storage media shall be labeled and archived in a locked, fire-proof and monitored enclosure that shall only be accessible to approved laboratory personnel;

    (Q) Maintain an electronic database containing testing data, reports, and related materials and provide access to the commission. Data, reports, and related materials shall be provided in a format and through a mechanism required by the commission;

    (R) Maintain all records about previous and current submissions for a minimum of five years;

    (S) Agree to not subcontract testing of any electronic gaming equipment to be used in a casino facility without the prior written approval of the commission;

    (T) Maintain any other records, information or conditions the commission determines is necessary to ensure the integrity of casino gaming; and

    (U) Provide immediate notification to the commission of any breach or failure to meet any condition of certification listed in this rule and any additional condition imposed by the commission.

Effective: 4/29/2017
Five Year Review (FYR) Dates: 01/27/2017 and 04/29/2022
Promulgated Under: 119.03
Statutory Authority: 3772.03
Rule Amplifies: 3772.03 , 3772.31
Prior Effective Dates: 04/01/2012