3773-3-01. Conditions for promoting contests  

Latest version.
  • No person shall promote any public or private competition that involves the sports of boxing, kick boxing, mixed martial arts, karate, tough man contests or tough person contests, professional wrestling, or any other form of boxing or martial arts unless:

    (A) That person is licensed in accordance with the rules bearing agency 3773 of the Administrative Code;

    (B) A permit is secured in accordance with the rules bearing agency 3773 of the Administrative Code;

    (C) That person complies with the rules bearing agency 3773 of the Administrative Code.

Five Year Review (FYR) Dates: 10/19/2017 and 10/19/2022
Promulgated Under: 119.03
Statutory Authority: 3773.34
Rule Amplifies: 3773.34
Prior Effective Dates: 08/19/1984, 01/19/2006, 10/16/2011

Prior History: (Effective: 10/16/2011
R.C. 119.032 review dates: 05/21/2010 and 10/16/2016
Promulgated Under: 119.03
Statutory Authority: 3773.34
Rule Amplifies: 3773.34
Prior Effective Dates: 8/19/84, 1/19/06 )