3796:6-2-01. Requests for application to operate medical marijuana dispensaries  

Latest version.
  • (A) The state board of pharmacy will provide notice of a request for applications to operate a dispensary by posting at www.medicalmarijuana.ohio.gov, and such other places as the board deems appropriate, that the board is requesting applicants to submit their applications.

    (B) When the board issues a request for applications pursuant to this rule, the board will include in the request:

    (1) The scoring procedure that will be used to evaluate completed applications, including point values that will be allocated to each applicable portion of the application;

    (2) Information on how to obtain an application;

    (3) Acceptable methods for submitting applications;

    (4) The maximum number of licenses to be awarded;

    (5) Preferred geographic distribution of dispensary sites; and

    (6) Any additional information deemed necessary by the state board of pharmacy.

    (C) The board will accept completed applications in response to a request for applications issued pursuant to this rule for ten business days beginning on the date which is forty-five business days after the date on which the board issued the request for applications, unless otherwise provided by the state board of pharmacy.

    (D) The board shall have the right to cancel a request for applications prior to the award of a dispensary provisional license. If a request for applications is canceled prior to the award of a dispensary provisional license, all application fees paid to the state board of pharmacy pursuant to the request for applications which was canceled shall be returned to the applicant who remitted the fee.

    (E) If the board receives an application in response to a request for applications issued pursuant to this rule on a date other than the dates set forth in this rule, the board shall not consider the application and shall return the application, including any remitted fees, to the entity or person who submitted the application.

Effective: 9/8/2017
Five Year Review (FYR) Dates: 09/08/2022
Promulgated Under: 119.03
Statutory Authority: 3796.04
Rule Amplifies: 3796.02, 3796.04