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Ohio Administrative Code (Last Updated: January 12, 2021) |
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4101:1 Board of Building Standards: Ohio Building Code |
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Chapter4101:1-13. Energy efficiency |
4101:1-13-01. Energy efficiency
[Comment: When a reference is made within this rule to a federal statutory provision, an industry consensus standard, or any other technical publication, the specific date and title of the publication as well as the name and address of the promulgating agency are listed in rule 4101:1-35-01 of the Administrative Code. The application of the referenced standards shall be limited and as prescribed in section 102.5 of rule 4101:1-1-01 of the Administrative Code.]
1301.1 Scope. This chapter governs the design and construction of buildings for energy efficiency.
1301.1.1 Criteria. Buildings shall be designed and constructed in accordance with the applicable provisions of the "International Energy Conservation Code" or the requirements of "ASHRAE 90.1 " listed in Chapter 35 of this code except as modified in Sections 1301.2 and 1301.3.
EXCEPTION: Either the "International Energy Conservation Code" referenced in Chapter 44 of the "Residential Code of Ohio for One-, Two-, and Three-Family Dwellings" (RCO) or Sections 1101.2.2 through 1104 in Chapter 11 of the RCO are permitted to be used in place of the energy conservation requirements of this code for R-3 occupancies in buildings three stories or less, comprised exclusively of dwelling units, where each unit has independent means of egress.
1301.2 Modifications to the International Energy Conservation Code. The following changes shall be made to the International Energy Conservation Code:
1. Section R402.4.1.1 - Delete the last sentence.
2. Section R402.4.1.2, the first sentence shall be modified to read as follows: "The building or dwelling unit shall be tested and verified as having an air leakage rate not exceeding 4 air changes per hour at 50 Pascals."
3. Section R402.4.2 shall read "Fireplaces. New wood-burning fireplaces shall have doors or tight-fitting flue dampers and outdoor combustion air. If using tight-fitting doors on factory-built fireplaces listed and labeled in accordance with UL 127, the doors shall be tested and listed for the fireplace."
4. Section R403.2.3 shall read "Building cavities (Mandatory). Building framing cavities shall not be used as supply ducts."
5. Section R 403.9 - Delete section and all subsections.
1. Section C101.4.3
a. Exception 5 shall read "Roof recover or roof repair."
b. Exception 6 shall read "Roofs without insulation in the cavity and where the sheathing or insulation is exposed during reroofing shall be insulated either above or below the sheathing."
c. Renumber exceptions 6, 7, and 8 as 7, 8, and 9.
2. Section C202 add the following definitions:
REROOFING. The process of recovering or replacing an existing roof covering. See "Roof recover" and "Roof replacement."
ROOF RECOVER. The process of installing an additional roof covering over a prepared existing roof covering without removing the existing roof covering.
ROOF REPAIR. Reconstruction or renewal of any part of an existing roof for the purpose of its maintenance.
ROOF REPLACEMENT. The process of removing the existing roof covering, repairing any damaged substrate and installing a new roof covering.
3. Section C402.2.1.1: Delete existing section and Table C402.2.1.1 and replace with new section which reads "C402.2.1.1 Roof replacement. For roof replacements, where the existing roof assembly is part of the building thermal envelope and contains insulation entirely above deck, roof replacement shall include compliance with the requirements of Table C402.1.2 or Table C 402.2."
1301.3 Modifications to ASHRAE 90.1. The following changes shall be made to the ASHRAE 90.1:
1. Addenda ap, cj, and de included in the ASHRAE "Standard 90.1 -2010 Addenda 2013 Supplement Package" as found on the ASHRAE website https://www.ashrae.org/standards-research--technology/standards-addenda are also adopted and intended to be applicable to computer rooms and data centers.
2. Addenda dd included in the ASHRAE "Standard 90.1 -2010 Addenda 2013 Supplement Package" as found on the ASHRAE website https://www.ashrae.org/standards-research--technology/standards-addenda is also adopted and intended to be applicable to roofing projects.
3. Section Circulating Pump Controls: Delete section.
4. Section 8.4.2 Automatic Receptacle Control; Delete section.
Replaces: 4101:1-13-01
Five Year Review (FYR) Dates:
Under: 119.03
Authority: 3781.10(A)
Rule Amplifies:
3781.10 ,
Effective Dates: 9/6/05, 7/1/07, 11/1/11, 7/1/14,