4101:1-8-01. Interior finishes

Latest version.
  • [Comment: When a reference is made within this rule to a federal statutory provision, an industry consensus standard, or any other technical publication, the specific date and title of the publication as well as the name and address of the promulgating agency are listed in rule 4101:1-35-01 of the Administrative Code. The application of the referenced standards shall be limited and as prescribed in section 102.5 of rule 4101:1-1-01 of the Administrative Code.]

    SECTION 801


    801.1 Scope. The provisions of this chapter shall govern the use of materials used as interior finishes, trim and decorative materials.

    801.2 Interior wall and ceiling finish. The provisions of Section 803 shall limit the allowable fire performance and smoke development of interior wall and ceiling finish materials based on occupancy classification.

    801.3 Interior floor finish. The provisions of Section 804 shall limit the allowable fire performance of interior floor finish materials based on occupancy classification.

    801.4 Decorative materials and trim. Decorative materials and trim shall be restricted by combustibility, fire performance or flame propagation performance criteria in accordance with Section 806.

    801.5 Applicability. For buildings in flood hazard areas as established in Section 1612.3, interior finishes, trim and decorative materials below the elevation required by Section 1612 shall be flood-damage-resistant materials.

    801.6 Application. Combustible materials shall be permitted to be used as finish for walls, ceilings, floors and other interior surfaces of buildings.

    801.7 Windows. Show windows in the exterior walls of the first story above grade plane shall be permitted to be of wood or of unprotected metal framing.

    801.8 Foam plastics. Foam plastics shall not be used as interior finish except as provided in Section 803.4. Foam plastics shall not be used as interior trim except as provided in Section 806.5 or 2604.2. This section shall apply both to exposed foam plastics and to foam plastics used in conjunction with a textile or vinyl facing or cover.

    SECTION 802


    802.1 Definitions. The following terms are defined in Chapter 2:











    SECTION 803


    803.1 General. Interior wall and ceiling finish materials shall be classified for fire performance and smoke development in accordance with Section 803.1.1 or 803.1.2, except as shown in Sections 803.2 through 803.13. Materials tested in accordance with Section 803.1.2 shall not be required to be tested in accordance with Section 803.1.1.

    803.1.1 Interior wall and ceiling finish materials. Interior wall and ceiling finish materials shall be classified in accordance with ASTM E 84 or UL 723. Such interior finish materials shall be grouped in the following classes in accordance with their flame spread and smoke-developed indexes.

    Class A: = Flame spread index 0-25; smoke developed index 0-450.

    Class B: = Flame spread index 26-75; smoke developed index 0-450.

    Class C: = Flame spread index 76-200; smoke developed index 0-450.

    Exception: Materials tested in accordance with Section 803.1.2.

    803.1.2 Room corner test for interior wall or ceiling finish materials. Interior wall or ceiling finish materials shall be permitted to be tested in accordance with NFPA 286. Interior wall or ceiling finish materials tested in accordance with NFPA 286 shall comply with Section 803.1.2.1.

    803.1.2.1 Acceptance criteria for NFPA 286. The interior finish shall comply with the following:

    1. During the 40 kW exposure, flames shall not spread to the ceiling.

    2. The flame shall not spread to the outer extremity of the sample on any wall or ceiling.

    3. Flashover, as defined in NFPA 286, shall not occur.

    4. The peak heat release rate throughout the test shall not exceed 800 kW.

    5. The total smoke released throughout the test shallot exceed 1,000 m.

    803.1.3 Room corner test for textile wall coverings and expanded vinyl wall coverings. Textile wall coverings and expanded vinyl wall coverings shall meet the criteria of Section 803.1.3.1 when tested in the manner intended for use in accordance with the Method B protocol of NFPA 265 using the product-mounting system, including adhesive.

    803.1.3.1 Acceptance criteria for NFPA 265. The interior finish shall comply with the following:

    1. During the 40 kW exposure, flames shall not spread to the ceiling.

    2. The flame shall not spread to the outer extremities of the samples on the 8-foot by 12-foot (203 by 305 mm) walls.

    3. Flashover, as defined in NFPA 265, shall not occur.

    4. The total smoke released throughout the test shall not exceed 1,000 m.

    803.1.4 Acceptance criteria for textile and expanded vinyl wall or ceiling coverings tested to ASTM E 84 or UL 723. Textile wall and ceiling coverings and expanded vinyl wall and ceiling coverings shall have a Class A flame spread index in accordance with ASTM E 84 or UL 723 and be protected by an automatic sprinkler system installed in accordance with Section 903.3.1.1 or 903.3.1.2. Test specimen preparation and mounting shall be in accordance with ASTM E 2404.

    803.2 Thickness exemption. Materials having a thickness less than 0.036 inch ( 0.9 mm) applied directly to the surface of walls or ceilings shall not be required to be tested.

    803.3 Heavy timber exemption. Exposed portions of building elements complying with the requirements for buildings of Type IV construction in Section 602.4 shall not be subject to interior finish requirements.

    803.4 Foam plastics. Foam plastics shall not be used as interior finish except as provided in Section 2603.9. This section shall apply both to exposed foam plastics and to foam plastics used in conjunction with a textile or vinyl facing or cover.

    803.5 Textile wall coverings. Where used as interior wall finish materials, textile wall coverings, including materials having woven or nonwoven, napped, tufted, looped or similar surface and carpet and similar textile materials, shall be tested in the manner intended for use, using the product mounting system, including adhesive, and shall comply with the requirements of Section 803.1.2, 803.1.3 or 803.1.4.

    803.6 Textile ceiling coverings. Where used as interior ceiling finish materials, textile ceiling coverings, including materials having woven or nonwoven, napped, tufted, looped or similar surface and carpet and similar textile materials, shall be tested in the manner intended for use, using the product mounting system, including adhesive, and shall comply with the requirements of Section 803.1.2 or 803.1.4.

    803.7 Expanded vinyl wall coverings. Where used as interior wall finish materials, expanded vinyl wall coverings shall be tested in the manner intended for use, using the product mounting system, including adhesive, and shall comply with the requirements of Section 803.1.2, 803.1.3 or 803.1.4.

    803.8 Expanded vinyl ceiling coverings. Where used as interior ceiling finish materials, expanded vinyl ceiling coverings shall be tested in the manner intended for use, using the product mounting system, including adhesive, and shall comply with the requirements of Section 803.1.2 or 803.1.4.

    803.9 High-density polyethylene (HDPE) and polypropylene (PP). Where high-density polyethylene or polypropylene is used as an interior finish it shall comply with Section 803.1.2.

    803.10 Site-fabricated stretch systems. Where used as interior wall or interior ceiling finish materials, site-fabricated stretch systems containing all three components described in the definition in Chapter 2 shall be tested in the manner intended for use, and shall comply with the requirements of Section 803.1.1 or 803.1.2. If the materials are tested in accordance with ASTM E 84 or UL 723, specimen preparation and mounting shall be in accordance with ASTM E 2573.

    803.11 Interior finish requirements based on group. Interior wall and ceiling finish shall have a flame spread index not greater than that specified in Table 803.11 for the group and location designated. Interior wall and ceiling finish materials tested in accordance with NFPA 286 and meeting the acceptance criteria of Section 803.1.2.1, shall be permitted to be used where a Class A classification in accordance with ASTM E 84 or UL 723 is required.

    803.12 Stability. Interior finish materials regulated by this chapter shall be applied or otherwise fastened in such a manner that such materials will not readily become detached where subjected to room temperatures of 200°F (93°C) for not less than 30 minutes.

    803.13 Application of interior finish materials to fireresistance-rated or noncombustible building elements. Where interior finish materials are applied on walls, ceilings or structural elements required to have a fire-resistance rating or to be of noncombustible construction, these finish materials shall comply with the provisions of this section.

    803.13.1 Direct attachment and furred construction. Where walls and ceilings are required by any provision in this code to be of fire-resistance-rated or noncombustible construction, the interior finish material shall be applied directly against such construction or to furring strips not exceeding 1/4 inches (44 mm), applied directly against such surfaces.

    803.13.1.1 Furred construction. If the interior finish material is applied to furring strips, the intervening spaces between such furring strips shall comply with one of the following:

    1. Be filled with material that is inorganic or noncombustible;

    2. Be filled with material that meets the requirements of a Class A material in accordance with Section 803.1.1 or 803.1.2; or

    3. Be fireblocked at a maximum of 8 feet (2438 mm) in every direction in accordance with Section 718.

    TABLE 803.11





    Interior exit stairways,

    interior exit ramps and



    Corridors and enclosure for exit access stairways and exit access ramps

    Rooms and enclosed spacesc

    Interior exit stairways, interior exit ramps and exit


    Corridors and enclosure for exit access stairways and exit access ramps

    Rooms and enclosed


    A-1 & A-2







    A-3f, A-4, A-5







    B, E, M, R-1






































    Bh, i














    Bh, i


























    No restrictions

    No restrictions

    For SI: 1 inch = 25.4 mm, 1 square foot = 0.0929 m.

    a. Class C interior finish materials shall be permitted for wainscoting or paneling of not more than 1,000 square feet of applied surface area in the grade lobby where applied directly to a noncombustible base or over furring strips applied to a noncombustible base and fireblocked as required by Section 803.13.1.

    b. In other than Group I-3 occupancies in buildings less than three stories above grade plane, Class B interior finish for nonsprinklered buildings and Class C interior finish for sprinklered buildings shall be permitted in interior exit stairways and ramps.

    c. Requirements for rooms and enclosed spaces shall be based upon spaces enclosed by partitions. Where a fire-resistance rating is required for structural elements, the enclosing partitions shall extend from the floor to the ceiling. Partitions that do not comply with this shall be considered enclosing spaces and the rooms or spaces on both sides shall be considered one. In determining the applicable requirements for rooms and enclosed spaces, the specific occupancy thereof shall be the governing factor regardless of the group classification of the building or structure.

    d. Lobby areas in Group A-1, A-2 and A-3 occupancies shall not be less than Class B materials.

    e. Class C interior finish materials shall be permitted in places of assembly with an occupant load of 300 persons or less.

    f. For places of religious worship, wood used for ornamental purposes, trusses, paneling or chancel furnishing shall be permitted.

    g. Class B material is required where the building exceeds two stories.

    h. Class C interior finish materials shall be permitted in administrative spaces.

    i. Class C interior finish materials shall be permitted in rooms with a capacity of four persons or less.

    j. Class B materials shall be permitted as wainscoting extending not more than 48 inches above the finished floor in corridors and exit access stairways and ramps.

    k. Finish materials as provided for in other sections of this code.

    l. Applies when protected by an automatic sprinkler system installed in accordance with Section 903.3.1.1 or 903.3.1.2.

    m. Where Group R-3 and R-4 occupancies are permitted in Section 903.2.8 to be protected by an automatic sprinkler system installed in accordance with Section 903.3.1.3 the requirements for a non-sprinklered building shall apply.

    803.13.2 Set-out construction. Where walls and ceilings are required to be of fire-resistance-rated or noncombustible construction and walls are set out or ceilings are dropped distances greater than specified in Section 803.13.1, Class A finish materials, in accordance with Section 803.1.1 or 803.1.2, shall be used.


    1. Where interior finish materials are protected on both sides by an automatic sprinkler system in accordance with Section 903.3.1.1 or 903.3.1.2.

    2. Where interior finish materials are attached to noncombustible backing or furring strips installed as specified in Section 803.13.1.1.

    803.13.2.1 Hangers and assembly members. The hangers and assembly members of such dropped ceilings that are below the horizontal fire-resistance-rated floor or roof assemblies shall be of noncombustible materials. The construction of each set-out wall and horizontal fire-resistance-rated floor or roof assembly shall be of fire-resistance-rated construction as required elsewhere in this code.

    Exception: In Type III and V construction, fire retardant-treated wood shall be permitted for use as hangers and assembly members of dropped ceilings.

    803.13.3 Heavy timber construction. Wall and ceiling finishes of all classes as permitted in this chapter that are installed directly against the wood decking or planking of Type IV construction or to wood furring strips applied directly to the wood decking or planking shall be fireblocked as specified in Section 803.13.1.1.

    803.13.4 Materials. An interior wall or ceiling finish material that is not more than/4 inch ( 6.4 mm) thick shall be applied directly onto the wall, ceiling or structural element without the use of furring strips and shall not be suspended away from the building element to which that finish material it is applied.


    1. Noncombustible interior finish materials.

    2. Materials that meet the requirements of Class A materials in accordance with Section 803.1.1 or 803.1.2 where the qualifying tests were made with the material furred out from the noncombustible backing shall be permitted to be used with furring strips.

    3. Materials that meet the requirements of Class A materials in accordance with Section 803.1.1 or 803.1.2 where the qualifying tests were made with the material suspended away from the noncombustible backing shall be permitted to be used suspended away from the building element.

    SECTION 804


    804.1 General. Interior floor finish and floor covering materials shall comply with Sections 804.2 through 804.4.2.

    Exception: Floor finishes and coverings of a traditional type, such as wood, vinyl, linoleum or terrazzo, and resilient floor covering materials that are not comprised of fibers.

    804.2 Classification. Interior floor finish and floor covering materials required by Section 804.4.2 to be of Class I or II materials shall be classified in accordance with NFPA 253. The classification referred to herein corresponds to the classifications determined by NFPA 253 as follows: Class I, 0.45 watts/cm or greater; Class II, 0.22 watts/cm or greater.

    804.3 Testing and identification. Interior floor finish and floor covering materials shall be tested by an agency in accordance with NFPA 253 and identified by a hang tag or other suitable method so as to identify the manufacturer or supplier and style, and shall indicate the interior floor finish or floor covering classification in accordance with Section 804.2. Carpet-type floor coverings shall be tested as proposed for use, including underlayment. Test reports confirming the information provided in the manufacturer's product identification shall be furnished to the building official upon request.

    804.4 Interior floor finish requirements. Interior floor covering materials shall comply with Sections 804.4.1 and 804.4.2 and interior floor finish materials shall comply with Section 804.4.2.

    804.4.1 Test requirement. In all occupancies, interior floor covering materials shall comply with the requirements of the DOC FF-1 "pill test" (CPSC 16 CFR Part 1630 ) or with ASTM D 2859.

    804.4.2 Minimum critical radiant flux. In all occupancies, interior floor finish and floor covering materials in enclosures for stairways and ramps, exit passageways, corridors and rooms or spaces not separated from corridors by partitions extending from the floor to the underside of the ceiling shall withstand a minimum critical radiant flux. The minimum critical radiant flux shall be not less than Class I in Groups I-1, I-2 and I-3 and not less than Class II in Groups A, B, E, H, I-4, M, R-1, R-2 and S.

    Exception: Where a building is equipped throughout with an automatic sprinkler system in accordance with Section 903.3.1.1 or 903.3.1.2, Class II materials are permitted in any area where Class I materials are required, and materials complying with DOC FF-1 "pill test" (CPSC 16 CFR Part 1630 ) or with ASTM D 2859 are permitted in any area where Class II materials are required.

    SECTION 805


    805.1 Application. Combustible materials installed on or embedded in floors of buildings of Type I or II construction shall comply with Sections 805.1.1 through 805.1.3.

    Exception: Stages and platforms constructed in accordance with Sections 410.3 and 410.4, respectively.

    805.1.1 Subfloor construction. Floor sleepers, bucks and nailing blocks shall not be constructed of combustible materials, unless the space between the fire-resistance rated floor assembly and the flooring is either solidly filled with noncombustible materials or fireblocked in accordance with Section 718, and provided that such open spaces shall not extend under or through permanent partitions or walls.

    805.1.2 Wood finish flooring. Wood finish flooring is permitted to be attached directly to the embedded or fireblocked wood sleepers and shall be permitted where cemented directly to the top surface of fire-resistance rated floor assemblies or directly to a wood subfloor attached to sleepers as provided for in Section 805.1.1.

    805.1.3 Insulating boards. Combustible insulating boards not more than/2 inch ( 12.7 mm) thick and covered with finish flooring are permitted where attached directly to a noncombustible floor assembly or to wood subflooring attached to sleepers as provided for in Section 805.1.1.

    SECTION 806


    806.1 General. Combustible decorative materials, other than decorative vegetation, shall comply with Sections 806.2 through 806.8.

    806.2 Noncombustible materials. The permissible amount of noncombustible materials shall not be limited.

    806.3 Combustible decorative materials. In other than Group I-3, curtains, draperies, fabric hangings and similar combustible decorative materials suspended from walls or ceilings shall comply with Section 807.4 and shall not exceed 10 percent of the specific wall or ceiling area to which such materials are attached.

    Fixed or movable walls and partitions, paneling, wall pads and crash pads applied structurally or for decoration, acoustical correction, surface insulation or other purposes shall be considered interior finish shall comply with Section 803 and shall not be considered decorative materials or furnishings.


    1. In auditoriums in Group A, the permissible amount of curtains, draperies, fabric hangings and similar combustible decorative materials suspended from walls or ceilings shall not exceed 75 percent of the aggregate wall area where the building is equipped throughout with an approved automatic sprinkler system in accordance with Section 903.3.1.1, and where the material is installed in accordance with Section 803.13 of this code.

    2. In Group R-2 dormitories, within sleeping units and dwelling units, the permissible amount of curtains, draperies, fabric hangings and similar decorative materials suspended from walls or ceiling shall not exceed 50 percent of the aggregate wall areas where the building is equipped throughout with an approved automatic sprinkler system installed in accordance with Section 903.3.1.

    3. In Group B and M occupancies, the amount of combustible fabric partitions suspended from the ceiling and not supported by the floor shall comply with Section 806.4 and shall not be limited.

    806.4 Acceptance criteria and reports. Where required to exhibit improved fire performance, curtains, draperies, fabric hangings and similar combustible decorative materials suspended from walls or ceilings shall be tested by an approved agency and meet the flame propagation performance criteria of Test 1 or 2, as appropriate, of NFPA 701, or exhibit a maximum heat release rate of 100 kW when tested in accordance with NFPA 289, using the 20 kW ignition source. Reports of test results shall be prepared in accordance with the test method used and furnished to the building official upon request.

    806.5 Foam plastic. Foam plastic used as trim in any occupancy shall comply with Section 2604.2.

    806.6 Pyroxylin plastic. Imitation leather or other material consisting of or coated with a pyroxylin or similarly hazardous base shall not be used in Group A occupancies.

    806.7 Interior trim. Material, other than foam plastic used as interior trim, shall have a minimum Class C flame spread and smoke-developed index when tested in accordance with ASTM E 84 or UL 723, as described in Section 803.1.1. Combustible trim, excluding handrails and guardrails, shall not exceed 10 percent of the specific wall or ceiling area in which it is attached.

    806.8 Interior floor-wall base. Interior floor-wall base that is 6 inches (152 mm) or less in height shall be tested in accordance with Section 804.2 and shall be not less than Class II. Where a Class I floor finish is required, the floor-wall base shall be Class I.

    Exception: Interior trim materials that comply with Section 806.7.

    SECTION 807


    807.1 Insulation. Thermal and acoustical insulation shall comply with Section 720.

    SECTION 808


    808.1 Acoustical ceiling systems. The quality, design, fabrication and erection of metal suspension systems for acoustical tile and lay-in panel ceilings in buildings or structures shall conform to generally accepted engineering practice, the provisions of this chapter and other applicable requirements of this code.

    808.1.1 Materials and installation. Acoustical materials complying with the interior finish requirements of Section 803 shall be installed in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations and applicable provisions for applying interior finish.

    808.1.1.1 Suspended acoustical ceilings. Suspended acoustical ceiling systems shall be installed in accordance with the provisions of ASTM C 635 and ASTM C 636.

    808.1.1.2 Fire-resistance-rated construction. Acoustical ceiling systems that are part of fire-resistance rated construction shall be installed in the same manner used in the assembly tested and shall comply with the provisions of Chapter 7.

Replaces: 4101:1-8-01

Effective: 11/1/2017
Five Year Review (FYR) Dates: 11/01/2022
Promulgated Under: 119.03
Statutory Authority: 3781.10(A)
Rule Amplifies: 3781.10 , 3781.11, 3791.04
Prior Effective Dates: 7/1/07, 11/1/11